Florida public bathroom bill upsets transgender people

so I also wonder ..."dressed like a man"... not trying to pick on anyone, but more break up that concept....same thing as "pink for girls", "blue for boys" -
why should there still be this idea of clothing that only men or women, wear?
Since earlier in the thread you said what happened to you was at a newspaper office could it have been someone who was there on business somewhere in the building and just stopped to use the restroom on the way out?
Since earlier in the thread you said what happened to you was at a newspaper office could it have been someone who was there on business somewhere in the building and just stopped to use the restroom on the way out?

No clue really...newspapers do have mail rooms & press rooms...where they do dress down. But in my department (Advertising) we did not. Really dunno what that person was doing on our floor, and if they did in fact work in the Press or Mail Rooms...they have their own bathrooms.
No clue really...newspapers do have mail rooms & press rooms...where they do dress down. But in my department (Advertising) we did not. Really dunno what that person was doing on our floor, and if they did in fact work in the Press or Mail Rooms...they have their own bathrooms.

I was not thinking of an employee but someone that was there as a repair person, for an interview for a story or about placing an ad, etc.
thank you for proving my point - "majority of pedophilia is committed by a family member or family friend."

not caused by a transgender or a person "sexually-confused" with his/her gender.

I never ever said that. What I did say was that the majority of pedophilia violators are the same gender as their victims.

That was what I said, not this mumbo jumbo crazy stuff you are talking about.