First time going to the state department of rehabilitation


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Nov 8, 2010
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So I finally went to ask for help in finding a job better for me. The thing is I want to work, but every job I have had always had conflicts with my hearing and I never felt like an equal or I belonged or I could grow from.

So I went to the website and submitted the application and hope to get the ball rolling.

Has anyone else went through this? What was your experience? This is my first time asking for help through the program.
Oh its Voc. reh? if so, you can ask them for getting you a free hearing aid if you are eligible for vr.

also ask for a job too. tell everything what you have at home and vr will look into your income resource and see if it meets your needs and check your income.

i think it's a great way to start with vr by looking for a job. good luck.
Yep thats where I'm going, well online application is being processed, I've never went through VR before so this is all entirely new to me but I'm getting fed up with trying on my own and getting turned down and judged with no way to really prove that. Sooo this is very new to me. I just know I need to try it and see what happens.
i had vr for my college years. My old VR (represetative) is very helpful. but not for my job. Remember VR can help you what you like for a job but did not mean to get you a job by VR. VR gives you lots of tips and talk to the company that you are interested. Just do you best!
Good place to start but there's no help like self help. The rehab in my state offered (few) classes, but no real job help. The counselor wrote me a letter of reference that described me as "an excellent hearing aid wearer." The only job I landed with that glowing review was a five year nightmare that I thank God every day that I got out of.....

In the dark ages , VR placed me in a job as a nighttime janitor at a college.

Sad. :( I think I really had more potential than that. Hopefully in this age they will do a better job.
I have support lots of SDHHS quality, lots of offer to me job plan, I am pretty lucky for me!

quality me plan soon, I am bit anxious soon I am very lots of tough not easy on weekend
I have difficult on VR is very support to impressive lots of me increase for education I am glad of my successfully, I hope be won't fail on my VR , I don't want to lose on my VR because I believe on encourage do it for me!
In the dark ages , VR placed me in a job as a nighttime janitor at a college.

Sad. :( I think I really had more potential than that. Hopefully in this age they will do a better job.

Yep...remember those "dark ages" well...And after waiting months, nothing happened...I took it into my own hands and pounded the pavement myself.
Good place to start but there's no help like self help. The rehab in my state offered (few) classes, but no real job help. The counselor wrote me a letter of reference that described me as "an excellent hearing aid wearer." The only job I landed with that glowing review was a five year nightmare that I thank God every day that I got out of.....


How did you land your current job?
I did it once and my case worker went on maternity leave without telling anyone about my case. After a while, I was contacted by someone else who only got me low paying positions. The thing is, they are not only working with deaf people, they work mostly with criminals who are trying to find work after doing prison time. So, I never had any luck with it.

I suggest going to school for computers as you can converse with your coworkers through email. As far as a job that you will like and grown in, liking what you do is a personal thing and it is something that only you can decide once you have been doing your job for a while.

My advice: Get financially stable first then you can think about doing something you like.
Thanks for the heads up on that, I just feel like I'm struggling to find a job. I may not have to love it, but I want something secure and doesn't leave me coming home crying because I'm being yelled at or something related.
I remember you posted over a year ago on this. If it the same employer since - don't you think he is abusing you? its time to go above his head to corp level. You do have that right. Employers cannot make employees feel like dirt going home. granted you ,might have a bad day - but ongoing? thats sounds like abuse. report it.
I remember you posted over a year ago on this. If it the same employer since - don't you think he is abusing you? its time to go above his head to corp level. You do have that right. Employers cannot make employees feel like dirt going home. granted you ,might have a bad day - but ongoing? thats sounds like abuse. report it.

Yes that was awhile ago, forgot to update on that... got laid off at that gas station in May "due to volume decrease in the store, but qualify for unemployment" while RIGHT as I got fired, they hired 2 new people. I've been there for 2 yrs, no complaints, excellent reviews on customer service. I call BS but thats just me. I moved to a new city, trying to find work. Figured maybe trying this route would help me, but never tried it before. I'm just tired of being discriminated against and having no way of proving anything. Years ago I remember when I worked fast food my old boss took me aside and straight out told me "The only reason I hired you is because I felt sorry for you". Another boss, different store told another manager out loud in front of the crew "oh yea if you buy her a hearing aid that'll be great" coming from a STORE manager!

I don't mean to sound overly sensitive but I'm just tired of it, trying to see what other options I have.
Thanks for the heads up on that, I just feel like I'm struggling to find a job. I may not have to love it, but I want something secure and doesn't leave me coming home crying because I'm being yelled at or something related.

In any job, you are going to have to deal with idiots, fact of life. And, being HOH, unfortunately, attracts more idiots. If it is so bad you are at home crying, you need to make a job change or report it to human resources(if the company is big enough for it). If you have to leave, look for another position first and when that comes up decide if going over your boss's head and staying where you are would be a better choice. Don't pull the trigger on the gun unless it is loaded(i.e. you have another job lined up).

Also, look into disability benefits if you can't find work and leave this job.

I'm sorry you are going through this. Just remember, it's just a job not your life and there is no reason to cry over some idiot that is not worth crying over.
How did you land your current job?

I interviewed for a position (which thank God I didn't get). The person who led the interview was in charge of the agency. I sent him an email thanking him for the interview and asked that he please keep me in mind should the job go to someone else. It did, but he kept me in mind for another position. I kept applying and getting rejected. I finally emailed him again to say I couldn't get past the KSAs (questions on the federal application). He told me "apply and send me your resume." I did and he got me in. I wouldn't have gotten the job otherwise.

The job I had before was with a horrible agency and really lousy management; made only $30k a year and there was no promotion...ever...unless someone died or transferred. My former coworker has been there since 1998 and they've never given the poor guy a raise. My boss was a nightmare. This is too long to get into but the agency was cited twice in the Government Accountability Report for it's corruption. My coworkers were great though. They knew what a slime my boss was so I put them on my resume as references and they went to bat for me when the background investigator came to meet with me. I think I would have stroked out if I stayed with the agency. The boss and "his girl" literally drove me to the hospital. The person that replaced me when I left only lasted two months. The boss's favorite had one of her personal meltdowns and the woman just pulled some strings at her former job and went back. It was really, incredibly horrible. I thank God every day I landed with my current agency. I'll be sorry to say goodbye to them but hopefully the new agency I'll be going to will be good people too. Liking who you work with is just as important as salary in my opinion.


BTW, I got the nightmare job by a stroke of bad luck. We contacted a Selective Placement Coordinator in D.C. (my father, no idea how he made contact) She mentioned the agency had two unadvertised positions and told me to apply direct. Biggest mistake of my life - they damn near gave me the job because I was disabled and they figured would be happy earning and being treated like crap. They were wrong....
VR got me the HA's I had before I lost all the hearing. They also found me a job as a cashier and when I found that was not a good fit, I contacted them again, and they helped me get my job doing data entry with a counseling agency.
:wave: I was in college when I went through VR. So I know that's a bit different than maybe whaT you were asking, ladysolitary. So you can decide if this is useful to read or not. But they did help pay for books and college-related study aids' they also paid for initial post-college interview clothes and accessories. I was a dependent and that was a different time.
:wave: I was in college when I went through VR. So I know that's a bit different than maybe whaT you were asking, ladysolitary. So you can decide if this is useful to read or not. But they did help pay for books and college-related study aids' they also paid for initial post-college interview clothes and accessories. I was a dependent and that was a different time.

Times have changed, but regardless, it's always worth making an appointment just to see what's available and how they might help. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
