Fireman Suspended Over US Flag Decal

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Yes, and about "How the big government is persecuting all the patriotic citizens from showing how they feel." Toss that into the same bin with Wal-mart not allowed to use the term "Merry Christmas" but instead "Happy Holidays" forcing all those God-fearing Christians to keep their religion to themselves. Mom was very bitter about this. She was a greeter at the big W, and that rule nearly angered the Catholicism out of her. "Too bad for all the Jewish, Muslims, and the rest. This is America, and we worship Christ here! You either go along, or go to heck!" Yes Mom was spunky.

Trouble is, he was also defacing government property (the locker) in his attempt at patriotism. Makes the whole thing a bit hypocritical, doesn't it?
how many times have I seen flags, flag stickers, flag "stuff" - like so much stuff - say "made in China". I like to see where stuff is made and think about the consequences of my purchase. For me it is too ironic to wave around a flag made in another country with various worker rights abuses or concerns, purchased by some big-box store here that exploits workers here, too. I do not buy facade of patriotism. Thinking is patriotic.
Note the news source, and it all becomes clearer...

Good ole Fox!:lol:

What's wrong with Fox News, if you had a problem with it ?

What isn't wrong with Fox News? I think we have all listed any number of things wrong with Fox News.

I don't usually agree with Maria on anything, but I have to agree with her on the source issue. Seems like some of you are nit-picking here. Fox news is no more biased in their reporting then CNN is, but they both are reputable news sources. At least, she didn't pull a source from The Enquirer or People Magazine like I've seen a few on here do. :roll:

Come on, cut her a break!
Fireman Suspended Over US Flag Decal
posted: 40 MINUTES AGOcomments: 168filed under: National News

(Oct. 17) -- A Pennsylvania firefighter who put an American flag sticker on the front of his locker has been suspended without pay for refusing to take the Old Glory decal down.
James Krapf, along with nearly a dozen other Chester, Pa. firefighters, were ordered to remove personal items from the outside of their lockers -- a violation of department policy, reported.
Krapf refused to do so and the department suspended him Thursday. So far, he's the only one on forced leave.
"I shouldn't have to remove the flag of the country I believe in. I love my country," Krapf told the Fox affiliate.
The department directed firefighters to keep the outside of their lockers undecorated after some employees took offense to a racially-motivated cartoon posted last summer.
Department officials told The Philadelphia Inquirer that banning any decor from lockers was the only way to prevent fighting among employees.
"The directive says 'everything,' " Capt. John Barbato, vice president of the department's union, told the newspaper. "I never would've thought the American flag would be included in that."

Firefighter Suspended Over American Flag Sticker On Locker

I would do the same like this firefighter. I will refuse to take it down. I support my country.

I don't know what I think of this. I can see both sides of the issue. If it came down to a zero policy and the firefighter was breaking rules, then he should have been suspended. If it was a matter of supporting his country, then he shouldn't have been suspended.

No matter how you cut it, this is a sticky situation.
I don't know what I think of this. I can see both sides of the issue. If it came down to a zero policy and the firefighter was breaking rules, then he should have been suspended. If it was a matter of supporting his country, then he shouldn't have been suspended.

No matter how you cut it, this is a sticky situation.

it's not a sticky situation at all. No decor on locker, including ANYTHING. According to Reba's article -

Johnson said this week that he thought the fight over the flag was a ploy for sympathy from a union that has been operating without a contract. The impasse centers on a clause pairing salaries and benefits of firefighters to those of the city's police officers. The matter will go to arbitration but a date has not been set, union officials said.


The directive, which ordered firefighters to keep the outside of lockers "free of alteration," went into effect Aug. 29. Firefighters can keep family photos and other items inside their lockers.

Johnson, who refused to answer questions yesterday, said Thursday that firefighters had two months to talk to him about the directive before he began enforcing it this week. He said that the issue was a "molehill that's been turned into a mountain," and that he would not comment further until all "internal procedures are exhausted."

Krapf and several other firefighters said they did not complain about the directive at first because it did not specifically mention American flags.
I don't usually agree with Maria on anything, but I have to agree with her on the source issue. Seems like some of you are nit-picking here. Fox news is no more biased in their reporting then CNN is, but they both are reputable news sources. At least, she didn't pull a source from The Enquirer or People Magazine like I've seen a few on here do. :roll:

Come on, cut her a break!

well - look at Maria's and Reba's links. Both are greatly different from each other in terms of details. Fox News' wording about this situation was leaning toward to supporting fireman's so-called "patriotic stance" whereas... FireFightningNews showed a great detail on both sides.
well - look at Maria's and Reba's links. Both are greatly different from each other in terms of details. Fox News' wording about this situation was leaning toward to supporting fireman's so-called "patriotic stance" whereas... FireFightningNews showed a great detail on both sides.

....and CNN would have slanted the story to a more liberal viewpoint. THAT was my point. People are jumping on Maria for using Fox News simply because they are decidely conservative in their reporting and a few people don't like their viewpoints. I'm not crazy about Fox News, either, but I'm mature enough to recognize them as a viable news source and not nitpick about it. If people are that discriminating, they can do a google search all on their own and find a source to their liking.
It still conveys the same overall messge, despite the fact they put spin on patriotism.

Work said no alterations on the outside of the lockers. The directive did say "everything." It also stated that it's a rule only applied for the outside exterior of the locker. All of these can be found in the article Maria posted.

So I don't see why people are nitpicking over the source, even though it still favours the department officials' point of view.
It still conveys the same overall messge, despite the fact they put spin on patriotism.

Work said no alterations on the outside of the lockers. The directive did say "everything." It also stated that it's a rule only applied for the outside exterior of the locker. All of these can be found in the article Maria posted.

So I don't see why people are nitpicking over the source, even though it still favours the department officials' point of view.

I know, it's silly. That's why I pointed it out.
....and CNN would have slanted the story to a more liberal viewpoint. THAT was my point. People are jumping on Maria for using Fox News simply because they are decidely conservative in their reporting and a few people don't like their viewpoints. I'm not crazy about Fox News, either, but I'm mature enough to recognize them as a viable news source and not nitpick about it. If people are that discriminating, they can do a google search all on their own and find a source to their liking.

got any link for that cnn article so that we can see if it's slanted to a more liberal viewpoint?

This isn't really about slanting it toward to liberal or conservative viewpoint. It's not a political forum. It's about taking either side - fireman or the Commissioner.
I don't usually agree with Maria on anything, but I have to agree with her on the source issue. Seems like some of you are nit-picking here. Fox news is no more biased in their reporting then CNN is, but they both are reputable news sources. At least, she didn't pull a source from The Enquirer or People Magazine like I've seen a few on here do. :roll:

Come on, cut her a break!

Damn Blackberry!!:P
I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. If MSNBC had been used as the example, I would agree. But CNN is decidedly less biased than either one of those.

The comments were not directed toward Maria, nor was anyone "jumping on" her for using them as a source. We were simply commenting on the standards of reporting that Fox News is known for. It didn't have anything to do with Maria.
Sorry..breaking the rules doesnt make anything right.
The Enquirer does get things right sometimes. They broke the Edwards affair.
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