Fire destroys Tiger Wood's $38m home!!!

Yea, saw it on SportsCenter yesterday, its sux...
I am sorry about it. However, I couldnt help wondering why pay $38 million for a home that nobody will use? I guess it is because I dont have money to burn. :( Glad nobody was hurt so that's the most important thing.
It mentioned guest house - at least it wasnt his main house.
Bad timing as they just had a baby girl, Sam
That's totally sucks! I hope that the insurance will cover to fix it up.
The headline is misleading. What burned was only the guest house.

Shel, Tiger has bought up several other homesites there next to his for the rest of his will be sort of an enclave.....this and being on an island will ensure their safety and privacy.

Money's no concern as Tiger is the world's highest paid athlete, earning 100 million annually.
Egads....there goes the mini-golf course--:D

On a serious note, surely insurance will cover most of the damages caused by the fire...I'm sure it is devastating somewhat, however, he'll be able to rebuild and get the 19th hole (guest house) up in no time. ;)

well actually the $38 million was for 12 acres and assorted houses, the guest house being one of them. It wasn't his primary residence (which he's planning to raze, anyway and build a more customized one).

I am sorry about it. However, I couldnt help wondering why pay $38 million for a home that nobody will use? I guess it is because I dont have money to burn. :( Glad nobody was hurt so that's the most important thing.
Egads....there goes the mini-golf course--:D

On a serious note, surely insurance will cover most of the damages caused by the fire...I'm sure it is devastating somewhat, however, he'll be able to rebuild and get the 19th hole (guest house) up in no time. ;)


19th hole.....LMAO!!
My take is a lightning striking and burning one of Tiger's homes at the time of his baby being born could be an ominous message.
