Finding a right Church for you?

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Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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Why is it so hard to find a church that have a pastor who can sign and speak at the same time, I found one Catholic church that has a priest that signs but he signs backwards instead of facing you when he signs. Hard to understand him. Is there any way that a church can provide interpreters?
Our church provides terps for every service.

Did you ask them to provide you an interpreter? Or they just offer you one? ;)
I have a hard time finding one too with interpreters. I live in the country so they're pretty hard to get one to come out and do this for me. keeps a nationwide list of "deaf" churches.

Why is it hard? Well, hearies do not understand how important it is and interpreters are somewhat expensive for small groups and congregations. But the more YOU get the word out how important it is, the more of us will wise up. We're idiots. It's true.
We have deaf pastors in Rochester...not many though! One church I like and they offer terp. I don't go there at all but I should! I am not relgion person though. Church can make me go :zzz:
MorriganTait said:
. . . interpreters are somewhat expensive for small groups and congregations. . .
Our church terps don't get paid.
Our terps set up for interpreting at every service, just in case a Deaf member or visitor shows up. Often, no Deaf show up but the terps are ready anyway.

Every week, I wear my terp clothes (Lady-in-Black :D ), and rehearse the hymns. I set up my chair and music stand, and wait.

I also terp for an adult Sunday School class that has a Deaf member. I never know whether or not that member will show up, so I just go to my class with Hubby and wait. If the Deaf member shows up, I go to that person's class and interpret. If that person doesn't show up, I stay in my class.

When our church has special meetings or banquets, I try to find out if any Deaf will attend. If yes, then I interpret.
Reba said:
Our church terps don't get paid.

Most of the peachers and priests do get allowances/salaries for providing their great sermons. I wonder why the churches refuse to pay highly experienced-ASL interpeters.

The non-paid interpreters with low-skilled would make any deaf church attenders too dull or asleep.....

It is better to have the Holy Bible to read at home instead of attending to the Churchs with any lousy non-certified interpreter.

What's wrong with religious discussion on this AllDeaf forum instead of going to hearing churchperson's house...
Reba said:
Our church terps don't get paid.

What about the other churches don't terps do it for free too?...And what if they find anyone who knows sign language but some deaf people may not understand the interpreter?...

I noticed one church in Akron, had an interpreter but he signed all in fingerspelling
When I called a few churches near my hometown, They said they don't provide interpreters or even know someone who knows sign language. That's why I asked you all this question. If Churches only does interpreter for free, that means they know someone how is willing to do it for free, since nobody I've called is aware of anyone who would signs. :(
Reba said:
Our terps set up for interpreting at every service, just in case a Deaf member or visitor shows up. Often, no Deaf show up but the terps are ready anyway.

Every week, I wear my terp clothes (Lady-in-Black :D ), and rehearse the hymns. I set up my chair and music stand, and wait.

I also terp for an adult Sunday School class that has a Deaf member. I never know whether or not that member will show up, so I just go to my class with Hubby and wait. If the Deaf member shows up, I go to that person's class and interpret. If that person doesn't show up, I stay in my class.

When our church has special meetings or banquets, I try to find out if any Deaf will attend. If yes, then I interpret.

That's good for you, Reba. You should have receive a cash award or Apprecation Of Your Outstanding and Dedicated Service certification. Print this and show this to your church leaders....
Mookie said:
Most of the peachers and priests do get allowances/salaries for providing their great sermons. I wonder why the churches refuse to pay highly experienced-ASL interpeters.

The non-paid interpreters with low-skilled would make any deaf church attenders too dull or asleep....
I agree that church terps should be well-trained and professional. That is something I have been advocating for a long time. It is a constant struggle. I'm not opposed to paying terps; that is just the way it is set up at our church. Our church requires that our terps are also church members. Some churches do not have that requirement.
^Angel^ said:
What about the other churches don't terps do it for free too?...And what if they find anyone who knows sign language but some deaf people may not understand the interpreter?...
That's the problem. There is no established "regulation" for all church terps, so you have to check out each one yourself, or get referrals from friends.

I also know some hearing churches in my state that support Deaf ministries that meet in smaller chapel rooms, with Deaf Sunday school teachers, and Deaf preachers.

I noticed one church in Akron, had an interpreter but he signed all in fingerspelling
YIKES! :eek:
Mookie said:
That's good for you, Reba. You should have receive a cash award or Apprecation Of Your Outstanding and Dedicated Service certification. Print this and show this to your church leaders....
30 minutes away from my hometown, There have Deaf Church..
Pretty cool but isn't my timing because my hubby's working sunday.. I cannot go there.. :(

One day when my hubby's sheduled changed.. then we might go there.. :)
I don't go to church as often as I would like to because sometimes looking at the interpreter all the times who doesn't sign very well can make me sleepy. I will be moving to another town soon and hopefully I will find a church with a good signing interpreter.
ButterflyGirl said:
I don't go to church as often as I would like to because sometimes looking at the interpreter all the times who doesn't sign very well can make me sleepy. I will be moving to another town soon and hopefully I will find a church with a good signing interpreter.
I hope you can find a good church.

BTW, to all of you who get sleepy in church: some of the hearies fall asleep in church, too! :D As a terp, I sit where I can see everyone else in the congregation, so I know who's guilty, heh, heh.
Reba said:
That's the problem. There is no established "regulation" for all church terps, so you have to check out each one yourself, or get referrals from friends.

I also know some hearing churches in my state that support Deaf ministries that meet in smaller chapel rooms, with Deaf Sunday school teachers, and Deaf preachers.

YIKES! :eek:

Oh okay Thanks Reba! ;)
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