Fibromyalgia Information

Amplified pain sensation without any visible cause is a symptom of fibro. But this sounds like there is an actual cause - perhaps siatica or piriformus syndrome. Have you considered having a chiropractic assessment? Chiro care and massages are so helpful! (as least for me)
Kristina, is it only your legs?

I do have a para friend who drives with a joystick thing in his sports car - Hand controls and a harness type gizmo in his SUV. It is basically a hand control that is not so high tech.

He is awesome - TOW2010_Sunday-19.jpg | Photography By Philip Johnson

I wonder if you could get an adapter for the family car? Would it help you?

Hubby will check into this. We do have a frind who can do the something and we have to make sure we can afford it. Thanks for the info.

Amplified pain sensation without any visible cause is a symptom of fibro. But this sounds like there is an actual cause - perhaps siatica or piriformus syndrome. Have you considered having a chiropractic assessment? Chiro care and massages are so helpful! (as least for me)

Chiropractor will not touch me at all. There is no pinched nerve or anything like that at all. Doctor did call today, seems that it is all a part of the fibro and the overuse of my legs.
Chiropractor will not touch me at all. There is no pinched nerve or anything like that at all. Doctor did call today, seems that it is all a part of the fibro and the overuse of my legs.

Wow, did he give you a reason for his refusal? I was very hesitant to try chiropractic care so asked LOTS of questions and then my chiro did a full workup on me before he began - x-rays, blood pressure, contact with my primary physican etc., the results of the workup made him feel he could help me out, and he did (and does). I would have been so disappointed if he simply wrote me off :-(.

Massage, baths in epsom salts, and regular stretching exercises particularly developed for Fibromyalgia patients can be very helpful. I hope you feel better soon!
Wow, did he give you a reason for his refusal? I was very hesitant to try chiropractic care so asked LOTS of questions and then my chiro did a full workup on me before he began - x-rays, blood pressure, contact with my primary physican etc., the results of the workup made him feel he could help me out, and he did (and does). I would have been so disappointed if he simply wrote me off :-(.

Massage, baths in epsom salts, and regular stretching exercises particularly developed for Fibromyalgia patients can be very helpful. I hope you feel better soon!

I have had a history of back problems and all and he was very hesitant to touch my back as he's worried about doing more damage. He's also concerned for my neuropathy and numbness and how that will play in. I can pop my back on my own, but now I need just a little help. It's quite an unconventional way, but it works for me. I go down into a back bend position (yes, at 48 I still can) and do 2-3 push-ups that way and my back will pop into place.
If you ever find the need to pop your back while standing in line at the grocery store, I want pictures .... not of the back bend but of the people's face around you! :laugh2: