Female Genital Cutting: Affecting Young Girls in America

My 13 yr. old was not circumsized at birth....(since he's adopted, I never found out the reason he wasn't)....and at age 11, he was having "problems"...he also got an infection and the doctor said it was becuz he was not cleaning his penis properly....it was very painful..and the doctor recommended that he be circumsized....

I know it's more "painful" to have this done when a boy or man is older, but my son was a "trooper"!...He was sore for awhile..but hasn't had any problems since.

I've also heard that if a man has not been circumsized...at times sex can be painful, infections are moreso often than usual. And when the foreskin hangs over the head, it's not only ugly, but infections are more common than usual.
Eeeeeek! *whimpers* {guarding the nether region} Wow. They will find anything and use it as an excuse to do these procedures.