Favorite Season

ravensteve1961 said:
I thought black is beautiful?
:topic: ??????
:) I like the Spring Season where everything is so fresh and clean. Flowers are blooming with all beautiful colors, the air is warmer, and don't have to wear layers and layers of clothes.
CODAchild said:
Ravensteve why green for hearing? I like purple. Can you change the hearing to purple?
Green means GO. If youre hearing you can do anything get a nice job and you wouldnt have trouble dealing with employers.If youre HOH your caution but yellow is too bright so i came to next RED.Black means silence and sometimes black is a sexy color depending how you look at the color black.
CODAchild said:
Ravensteve why green for hearing? I like purple. Can you change the hearing to purple?

I’ve got a better idea! The name of the message board is alldeaf—as in ALL DEAF. Therefore, I think we should ban everybody who is hearing or HOH—including people with CI’s. Sound like a plan? :mrgreen:
backerman said:
With Washington State currently having a lot of raining and some heat wave, it got me wondering what most posters here, what is your Favorite Season?

My favorite season is spring. I hate it when it is really cold and when it is really hot. Spring is just right. I like it when I can just go outside in shorts and a t-shirt and be confortable. Summer is too hot. Winter is too cold, plus in winter, I have to shovel the driveway. That sucks. In autumn, the weather is nice but I have to rake leaves. That is why spring is the best. I don't have to do any yard work and the weather is nice.

spring is my favorite and then i like the end of fall right before christmas through christmas then i want it to be spring again. but id miss snow if i didnt have it!
My favorite seasons is fall, winter and spring. Depends for summer whenever i'm at home or overseas, summer for home no thanks coz of hayfever. Overseas summer no problem with summer.
i like spring and summer.. but love watching the trees change color during the fall but hate the dust. Gives me allergies.. spring isn't too bad depending on the pollens. winter isn't my fave at all.. my back hurts all the time, too cold, can't stand shivering!!! brrrr
Pah! I thought I was only one loving Winter! Blizzard can be exciting! It does very minimal damage, and everybody gets to stay home and stay warm, including crimimals! The only thing I hate about winter is the heating bills.

About F**kin time NHL will be back on ice! I sure miss days of Mario Lemieux! I dunno if he would play on ice again.

coloravalanche said:
My favorite time of the year is Summer and Winter...

Reasons: Summer = swimming, tanning, boating, fishing, blah blah...:D

Winter = Month of December (Christmas) and New Year's Eve...plus, LOVES TO WATCH HOCKEY HOCKEY HOCKEY!! :D
ravensteve1961 said:
Green means GO. If youre hearing you can do anything get a nice job and you wouldnt have trouble dealing with employers.If youre HOH your caution but yellow is too bright so i came to next RED.Black means silence and sometimes black is a sexy color depending how you look at the color black.
:nono: Sorry this is :topic: but I just want to add to what RS said about hearing getting a nice job. I did have a good job at a school for the deaf, when I became a foster parent for a child who is deaf and attended the same school where I worked, his needs came first, so I would have to leave work earlier, take off the same vacation as he did, so I could be home for him. Then the administration, because they didn't approve of me leaving early, or taking time off for my foster child, backed me into a wall and asked me to make a decision either to give up my foster child, or keep my job. I was appalled, but, they made this decision so easy for me. I left and retired from my job, very heartbroken, but, my foster son's needs comes first and foremost. This was the best decision I had made for the sake of my foster son.
Levonian said:
I’ve got a better idea! The name of the message board is alldeaf—as in ALL DEAF. Therefore, I think we should ban everybody who is hearing or HOH—including people with CI’s. Sound like a plan? :mrgreen:
:cheers: There you go Levonian, that will make things much easier, and I do agree with you 100 percent about color coding, no way. We are in this forum together as a group who enjoy talking to each other, sharing our opinions, lending a shoulder and talking about what season we like best, which is what this thread started out as. :gpost: