Favorite kind of restaurant.


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
If you had to pick one kind of restaurant to dine at everyday, what would it be? I'd pick Chinese. :thumb:
Originally posted by Alex
If you had to pick one kind of restaurant to dine at everyday, what would it be? I'd pick Chinese. :thumb:

me too and i'd pick mexican too! my all-favorite is Don Pablo's!

the restaurant I had to eat in everyday would be Unlock Sam the BEST chinese restaurant.
Any "American" restuants...espeically Burger King, Arby's, and KFC! :thumb:
Originally posted by Xoxostarss
Oh no..you like fast food?! Yucky...greasy and fatty!

:laugh2: i guess so .... lol - i sometimes eat hamburgers and FF, but not that often ...... no wonder why i stay thin
Originally posted by BostonIceFire
Steel likes it fatty and greasy, I guess.
You said it! :thumb:

I'm one true meat eater and I wanna eat like a MAN!
Originally posted by Alex
If you had to pick one kind of restaurant to dine at everyday, what would it be? I'd pick Chinese. :thumb:

Uhmm, what about the famous resturant that cook full cooked chicken up in Passic? Miss these old tal' days!