Favorite Download Websites (for freeware, shareware, or both)


New Member
Oct 19, 2003
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Do you have a favorite download website or two for downloading programs for your computer? When I go to mine, I usually search for "freeware" and check out to see if there are any problems (like spyware, etc.). If they are cleared, then I go and download them from the sites. :)

Here are two of them I like:

FileHippo.com: http://www.filehippo.com

Download.com: http://www.download.com

FileHippo has freeware "updates" and new freeware programs that is usually necessary to have for your computer. Also, the programs download fast. :)

Download.com has a LOT of computer programs for you to check out...and if you want freeware, just go to the bottom to a menu, and have it checked out as "free". Then search again, and you will see freeware programs. I found this method easier than Tucows.com which I had to actually search for freeware there.

What are yours, and why? :)
I used to just use Kazaa for everything. Music, videos, pictures, documents, software. Now its gone downhill, and I don't use any specific site.

I will confess though, from time to time, if there is a specific piece of software I need, I will use some warez sites.

Now, I mostly use download.com
www.majorgeeks.com is helpful to me to update new version of different programs.

i like cool file sharing site, filetopia, better because it doesnt come with spams and virus etc. it is unlikely kazaa or bearshare.