Fatal Crash in Laramie, Wyoming


New Member
Sep 9, 2004
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I was supposed to be on this highway around the time the accident occurred. Wow. Thank goodness I stayed home.
Good thing you were delayed and not involved. Another good thing that you weren't there and had to go to a Laramie hospital . . . quite frankly, given that city's reputation, I'd rather die on the freeway than be treated there. Remember Matthew Shepherd?
pek1 said:
Good thing you were delayed and not involved. Another good thing that you weren't there and had to go to a Laramie hospital . . . quite frankly, given that city's reputation, I'd rather die on the freeway than be treated there. Remember Matthew Shepherd?

Well, Laramie's hospital really had nothing to do with Matthew Shepard, since they don't have an advanced trauma unit. He actually died in Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado. However, Laramie's hospital does have quite a reputation, but that's another topic for another time. :)

Thanks for the well wishes, everyone.
It would have suck majorly if you had gotten on the highway on that fateful day, not just because of the horrendous accident, but I'd have NO way of knowing what the hell happened to you.

Off to sacrifice another lamb as another token of gratitude to the gods.
me_punctured said:
It would have suck majorly if you had gotten on the highway on that fateful day, not just because of the horrendous accident, but I'd have NO way of knowing what the hell happened to you.

Off to sacrifice another lamb as another token of gratitude to the gods.

I'm sure word would have gotten around somehow. I'd like to think my friends would make mention of it, if only in passing. Perhaps Mr. Fancy-Suits would find out somehow, or Marual would tell someone. Wishful thinking, albeit a bit morbid. :)