Fat Americans 'using more petrol'

I was thinking in context if some of us were still around which is a scarier scenario. If we are all gone, then my remarks are pointless.

Being a survivor under these circumstances is certainly not a appetizing prospect.

Straight out of a Ray Bradbury story. Imagine if our planet was almost annihilated by a nuclear war and there were only a handful of isolated survivors who had no reliable way of contacting each other...
Straight out of a Ray Bradbury story. Imagine if our planet was almost annihilated by a nuclear war and there were only a handful of isolated survivors who had no reliable way of contacting each other...

Now I'm all hot and bothered for the Martian Chronicles.
Yea, I was aware of these tidbits. Puts a whole different perspective on things doesn't it?

For one thing who is going to survive when the veneer of "civilization" is stripped away by a castatropic event? It ain't the obese nor is it the thin ones...society is sure screwed up for sure.

Who's going to survive? Hassan Nasrallah and his girlfriend, me_punctured.
Who's going to survive? Hassan Nasrallah and his girlfriend, me_punctured.

How blatantly heterosexualistic of you to assume such a ridiculous falsehood. I have no relationship to the Sheik of the Hezbollah party.

But I do know for a fact that you give generous donations (in U.S. dollars no less) to the Lord's Resistance Army, Endymion.
How blatantly heterosexualistic of you to assume such a ridiculous falsehood. I have no relationship to the Sheik of the Hezbollah party.

But I do know for a fact that you give generous donations (in U.S. dollars no less) to the Lord's Resistance Army, Endymion.

And you love Hassan, don't deny! Smooch, smooch!

Me_punctured and Hassan sitting in a tree,
First comes love . . . ;)
Straight out of a Ray Bradbury story. Imagine if our planet was almost annihilated by a nuclear war and there were only a handful of isolated survivors who had no reliable way of contacting each other...

Ugh! I would have no intention of trying to finding any other survivors. Don't know if they would be insane or crazy after such a castrophic event. I couldn't blame them though...nobody would really be in their right mind when the world you understood was gone.
What happens when all the fat people in the world fart??

The world blows up and its the end of the world!! Any survivors out there?? *looking around*

I know its a bad joke but couldn't resist it. :D Saw a car sticker years ago with a question--what would happen if everyone in the world farts?