Farewell Logan.

Thanks again everyone! I never mentioned it but, I do have another dog.
Duma..and he's a collie too. I think he is 8 now + also a good ole' pal.
It's just that Logan was with me even before I met my wife and got married.
We went back a long way! I also have 3 cats, a rabbit + a horse!

beautiful Duma. How is duma doing?
umm don't you mind if you can post a picture of your 3 cats. :3 thanks. :D
My dog, named Bo

I have posted this before, in other websites. I believe it was written by Jimmy Stewart, the actor. Feel free to put your dog's name into it.

My dog, named Bo

He came to me when I would call,
unless I had a tennis ball
-or he felt like it.
But mostly--he didn't come at all.
When he was young,
he never learned,
to heel, or sit or stay,
he did things his way.
Discipline was not his bag,
but when you were with him,
things sure didn't drag.
He'd dig up a rose bush just to spite me,
and when I'd grab 'im he'd turn and bite me.
He bit lots of folks from day to day,
the deliv'ry boy was his favorite prey.
The gas man wouldn't read our meter,
he said we owned a real man-eater.
He sat the house on fire,
but the story's long to tell.
Suffice to say that he survived,
and, the house survived as well.
And on evening walks
(and Gloria took him),
he was always first out the door.
The old one and I,
brought up the rear
because our bones were sore.
And he'd charge up the street
with Mom hangin' on,
what a beautiful pair they were.
And if it was still light,
and the tourists were out,
they created a bit of a stir!
But every once in awhile
he'd stop in his tracks
and with a frown on his face, look around.
It was just t'make sure,
that the old one was there,
to follow him where he was bound.
We're early-to-bedders in our house
I guess I'm the first to retire,
and as I'd leave the room, he'd look at me
and get up from his place by the fire.
He knew where the tennis balls were, upstairs
and I'd give 'im one for awhile
and he'd push it under the bed with his nose
and I'd dig it out with a smile.
But before very long, he'd tire of the ball
and he'd be asleep in his corner in no time at all,
and there where nights when I'd feel him climb up on our bed
and lie between us, and I'd pat his head;
and there were nights when I'd feel this stare,
and I'd wake up and he'd be sitting there
and I'd reach out to stroke his hair;
and sometimes I'd feel him sigh,
and I think I know the reason why.
He'd wake up at night,
and he would have this fear
of the dark, of life, of lot's of things,
and he'd be glad to have me near.
And now he's dead.
And there are nights when I think I feel him
climb up on our bed,
and lie between us, and I pat his head;
and there are nights when I think I feel that stare,
and I reach out my hand to stroke his hair,
and he's not there.
Oh, how I wish that wasn't so,
I'll always love a dog named Bo.

ah a Sable and white rough collie - nice! your Logan was a tri colour black, white and tan? all very nice. i volunteer at animal shelter , havent really seen a rough coat in shelter, only in the boarding kennels ( i dont get to walk them)
I am so sorry for your loss. I miss my old Shilo terribly and not ready to spread her ashes all over the places. She had been gone from us 6 years now.
I am so sorry for your loss. I miss my old Shilo terribly and not ready to spread her ashes all over the places. She had been gone from us 6 years now.


Was that your dog's name or nickname for a beagle (Shilo -- the movie) or was she a shilo shepherd?