family problems


New Member
Dec 30, 2004
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Hi everyone,

I just needed to rant. A couple of weeks ago a very close relative passed away. I went to the funeral. My partner could not go because ...OMG...we're queer. Then they just started getting real mean because of my HA's. They tried to really beat me into the ground. They were happy my hair covered my ears. Wow. I felt very alone.

They want to see me not so much anymore.

Thank the goddess i was able to go home to my real family

I know i should not care but this hurts
aikifrodogrrl said:
Hi everyone,

I just needed to rant. A couple of weeks ago a very close relative passed away. I went to the funeral. My partner could not go because ...OMG...we're queer. Then they just started getting real mean because of my HA's. They tried to really beat me into the ground. They were happy my hair covered my ears. Wow. I felt very alone.

They want to see me not so much anymore.

Thank the goddess i was able to go home to my real family

I know i should not care but this hurts

I am one of queer here--- :wtf: your family didnt pay respect and love you who you are being deaf? And your lover dont go with you to funeral? *sighs* I would be upset, disappointed if my lover didnt go with me for the support. Thats what love is about--- support, be there for each other, communicate on and on. Good thing you got it out off your chest here on AD---

HANG IN THERE girl! :hug: I went thru same thing--- I had a wedding to go and my parents wont let me to take my gf (ex now) to that wedding as guest. I was hell pissed and upset but oh well so I just tried have good time at that wedding. My parents didnt respect.

BTW--- if you need to talk to me, I could be your friend and listen to you. PM me if you want to. :)

Again--- :hug: You are not alone-- you have me and your friends in AD! Even you dont know me or anyone in AD if you dont know them.
aikifrodogrrl said:
Hi everyone,

I just needed to rant. A couple of weeks ago a very close relative passed away. I went to the funeral. My partner could not go because ...OMG...we're queer. Then they just started getting real mean because of my HA's. They tried to really beat me into the ground. They were happy my hair covered my ears. Wow. I felt very alone.

They want to see me not so much anymore.

Thank the goddess i was able to go home to my real family

I know i should not care but this hurts

Of course you care. People are just mean sometimes. It's bad enough being left out of everything because you can't hear, nevermind the extra crap you get for your lifestyle choices. Here at AD, you have a good place to vent and nice people to share your feelings with. We have all, at some time or another, been treated this way. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! :wave: