Fall, anyone?

I love this time of the year myself..The Fall Season!! Not to hot not to cold..:)
I so miss summer and I'm not not looking forward to colder winter but I do like fall cause I love the smell of burning leaves after we rake them all up, I know Roadrunner hates raking up all the leaves since we have so many trees in our front and back yard, but love to watch leaves fall from it's tree to the ground and watching colors being changed, it's nice to take a drive down near a park too..
Poor Roadrunner raking up the leaves...Thats why I have my brother do it:)

I so miss summer and I'm not not looking forward to colder winter but I do like fall cause I love I enjoys the smell of burning leaves after we rake them all up, I know Roadrunner hates raking up all the leaves since we have so many trees in our front and back yard, but love to watch leaves fall from it's tree to the ground and watching colors being changed, it's nice to take a drive down near a park too..
My word, you guys have a really big thing about Fall, well here its plain Autumn, the only thing I love about Autumn is that my birthday falls in that particular season!!

Well, guys, we are summer people, and its just round the corner...can't wait!!


AND IM ON THE P.C..CHATTIN OR GAMES:type: :applause:
Good bye summertime! :fruit: --{ la la bye summertime bye la la}

Hello Falltime!

Cant't wait for Wintertime!!
Okay, normally the time that season changes is around 1:20pm. Maybe this time it have changed. It all matters to when the earth is exact on the "fall" solaris. There are exact 4 positions around the sun. Once the earth hits the fall or spring solaris, the north and south pole have exact same distance from the sun, and once fall solaris passed, the south pole gets closer to the sun, while the north pole distance farther from the sun. Hence, anywhere on the earth gets exact 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours nighttime. :)

Fall don't start till Saturday morning at 12:04am. The news mentioned it this morning.
Hey Heath! you got wrong date for the fall on your avatar... September 23 NOT 21! You better check up the date! :-D
Yeah sure I'll help by watching him & making sure he don't miss any:mrgreen:

Don't tell me about it dont want winter lol it will make me hyper!!! when it is cold make me hyper! lol :lol:
You should be happy, cause we get much more snow than you! Even though your north and Im right south of you!

yeah lol and also dont want shovel the snow from driveway and also my 15 steps stair arghh I did that twice when I go down and fell off on the stair and my butt! hurt!!! 2 yrs ago I fell off miss 4 step and last year I fell off miss 8 steps!! and got sore my shoulders cause of pull muscle bewteen bones on my shoulders so I dont want another one hurt my butt or my shoulders!! lol :lol:

And downstair before was lived but now they already move out that wont admit shovel on driveway make me mad now I hope so new lady downstair will do it or not if not then GRRRRR lol :lol:
With Fall here, I have mixed feelings. Happy because it's very pretty with all the colors and finally a bit cooler outside, but I am not looking forward to having to clean up all the leaves in a few weeks. We have many many trees around here, so when they lose their leaves, there's so many leaves that you cant see the ground.

Also, it means winter is around the corner, and I hate winter. At least it's not so bad as where I used to live up north. I don't miss all the snow at all, we still get some here, but it melts within couple days.
With Fall here, I have mixed feelings. Happy because it's very pretty with all the colors and finally a bit cooler outside, but I am not looking forward to having to clean up all the leaves in a few weeks. We have many many trees around here, so when they lose their leaves, there's so many leaves that you cant see the ground.

Also, it means winter is around the corner, and I hate winter. At least it's not so bad as where I used to live up north. I don't miss all the snow at all, we still get some here, but it melts within couple days.

Heh. Around here it still feels like summer, and I am loving it. I am looking forward to the fact that I won't freeze my ass off this winter! No more black ice! No more snow up to my waist, no more slushy roads! I can safely walk down the stairs outside my apartment without slipping on ice and hurting my back and assbones/tailbone! I won't have to wear 3 layers of thick clothes just to go outside! And the wind won't slap me in the face anymore! Yay! We do get snow here but very rarely, and only a little bit. :)