Fake Sign Language Interpreter at Nelson Mandela memorial

This thread, and my link, is about the "interpreter."

You mean the fake interpreter at the Mandela memorial? My post, in this thread, about the fake interpreter at the Mandela memorial, and your link about him necklacing someone, was about Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela necklacing their political enemies. see the connection now?

Common practice by the ANC that isn't discussed much. wonder why?

Her reputation was damaged by such rhetoric as that displayed in a speech she gave in Munsieville on 13 April 1986, where she endorsed the practice of necklacing (burning people alive using tyres and petrol) by saying: "[W]ith our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country."[8]

perhaps by pointing these things out, and how Mandela's wife was charged with fraud, advocated murder and torture for the ANC, and how Mandela himself ordered murders and terrorist acts such as attempting to blow up a nuclear reactor.... might, in some small and insignificant way, explain how a fraud interpreter employed by the ANC was able to come within arms reach of world leaders.

not trying to step on anyone's toes - just thought it was very relevant.
You mean the fake interpreter at the Mandela memorial? My post, in this thread, about the fake interpreter at the Mandela memorial, and your link about him necklacing someone, was about Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela necklacing their political enemies. see the connection now?

Common practice by the ANC that isn't discussed much. wonder why?

Winnie Madikizela-Mandela - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

perhaps by pointing these things out, and how Mandela's wife was charged with fraud, advocated murder and torture for the ANC, and how Mandela himself ordered murders and terrorist acts such as attempting to blow up a nuclear reactor.... might, in some small and insignificant way, explain how a fraud interpreter employed by the ANC was able to come within arms reach of world leaders.

not trying to step on anyone's toes - just thought it was very relevant.
I know all that history; it's not news. I'm trying to keep focused on the current topic.
Honestly I think if their going to give someone the honor to translate such an important event they should require proof (as in a certificate or degree in the language) that they are qualified and know what their doing. Just imo.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Bv4w1rkiyk&sns=fb]ASL Morning Message Special Edition: 'Fake Interpreter' - YouTube[/ame]
The Deaf community in Australia went bonkers about the Fake Interpreter saga - and we've done heaps of articles about it in Australian mainstream media.

Although, this debacle has brought out positivity about the importance of sign language interpreting. Here's to more community and public awareness about sign language interpreters.

One of the most important things arised from this was that "fake interpreters" are actually happening in your own home - especially in education, where deaf children were allocated a teacher aide who had passable signing skills.
saw interview with the guy apparently he had mental illness and small time crook...great shame happen at mandela funeral,but Obama andCameron in trouble talking over the head of Danish minister or his wife i gather about her assets it caused some embrassment and she furious.
my great privaldge to see mandela on Robin island the day after he given up office,a billian to one he was with Gadaffie very friendly as they stood there laughing two penguins stood next to them looking up,very little secruity apart from couple of young women in white with big guns over shoulder....one of them visions you take through life
The Deaf community in Australia went bonkers about the Fake Interpreter saga - and we've done heaps of articles about it in Australian mainstream media.

Although, this debacle has brought out positivity about the importance of sign language interpreting. Here's to more community and public awareness about sign language interpreters.

One of the most important things arised from this was that "fake interpreters" are actually happening in your own home - especially in education, where deaf children were allocated a teacher aide who had passable signing skills

absolutely!, and this pisses me off No end it's quite disgusting....we need more research to Prove that this is a major contribution in setting up dhh kids to fails and it needs to STOP, CI gets all the attention, it is so WRONG and so ILLEGAL (if we can prove it)...a really BIG mess...

i wished more d/Deaf people would be harder noses on this. but 'celebrating deafness' dulled out their attention...grrr thanks to the 'market solution handled with neo-liberalism' bullshit...
im so well aware of it...and it frightens me of its consequences....seriously
i dont know how he got so near everyone without official pass...from memory Africans are laid back and do take people on trust...Good trait bur not without flaws