Fake cry and guns

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So NOW you want him impeached? not 7 years ago?
I am a liberal and I am going to say that this would not had stopped the Newtown shooting , the shooter didn't buy the guns to kill 20 innocents
children , he used his mother's guns . You will need to a background check on every person living in the house to made sure the gun does not end up in the wrong hands. And not everyone that has a mental illness goes for help or even looks or act mentally ill so how do you keep someone like this from buying a gun ? If someone has a record as long as his arm and want to buy a guy they'll find some way to get a gun illegally. I feel this will only put more of a demand out for black market guns and that mean supporting the 'bad' guys. Why do people think all liberals think the same way ???

Do you realize that President Obama is encouraging physicians to violate patient confidentiality now?

Wasn't I warning this was going to happen a couple or so years ago?

Now, physicians can report any gun related conversations they have with their patients to DHS (and we even had a smart mouthed member posing as a "competent" shrink that claimed that was never going to happen ... lolololol)

Well .. it happened. Obama wants to stigmatize the mentally ill even further.

He should stigmatize people who wish the violent destruction of America and American lives - not all mentally ill people are violent. Not all violent people are mentally ill.
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