Experiences with Interpreters, opinions, etc.


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May 5, 2009
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Hi everyone,

I am a hearing student of ASL. I am a student of an ASL Interpreter's program.

I am curious to know how you feel about interpreters.
Are they very important to you?
Have you had any bad experiences with one?

Also, do you feel they should be nationally certified, or do you think it makes no difference?
Deaf Education/ASL Interpreting

I am a student studying Deaf Education in college, and I am also working on Interpreter Training. I am also curious about this.
Follow the Code of Ethics to the letter. I am serious here. I have only had two in the past that did not violate their Code of Ethics. Now, I wish I enforced it upon interpreters more often. :\

That and don't let the Deaf abuse your services. I have known a few terps that get themselves worn out because they want to be friend with the Deaf and were pressured to interpret for them for free during their off-hours in social gatherings. It is NOT your job to interpret what your friends are saying unless you two have a discussion and agreed to it.