Experience Working With Computers


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Oct 19, 2003
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How much experience do you have with computers? :)

The first computer I worked on was a Commodore circa 1982 when I was about 12. I have worked with computer upgrades up to the current Windows XP. I have also learned various softwares through the years, including the World Wide Web (including Internet terms) since 1995. At work, I am using CJIS and in the future, the ENACT. At home, I am currently using FireFox browser, plus Internet Explorer, and learning new Internet terms and procedures.
Also during my downtime, I also learned basic HTML codes, build a website, build a “blog”, download softwares from Cds, burn music to Cds using Windows Media Player, painted black and white photos into color using PhotoShop, and more.
My first computer was a Atari 1040ST in 1988, it had a little green desktop with a bee icon when it's working. It was a slug too, but was great for its time, it had a palette of 512 colors, it had 1 MB of RAM with a 800 kB floppy drive. We used it for word processing, computer games, basic programming, etc.

In 1993, I got the first Mac, it was a Mac IIci with a 25 MHz 68030 with 5 MB of RAM. It was nice computer. It was a great little computer. It ran Mac OS 7.0, I had Infini D on it, I used to render 3-D models on it, it was fun!

In 1994 ish, I got a Mac Quadra 650 with 33 MHz 68040 with 8 MB of RAM and later upgraded it to 72 MB of RAM, it was faster and did more than the IIci. This was the first computer with internet connection on the Quadra 650. It orginally had Mac OS 7.1 and upgraded to OS 8.1,

I sold it in late 90's and got a Power Mac G3, 400 MHz with 64 MB of RAm and upgraded it to 640 MB of RAM, I used it for photoshop, graphics and gaming, of course internet, too. I got rid of the Power Mac G3 in 2003 and got a Power Mac G4 with 512 MB of RAM running at 466 MHz and upgraded it to 733 MHz currently, it's running Mac OS X 10.4.1. I recently replaced the power supply that died not long ago, things happen. Nothing lasts forever. :) I have lot to learn about new things, too! :D I have lot of experience working with Macs for many years, it's fun!
Well, I got my first computer (Gateway PC) approx 6 1/2 years ago. This newly 'custom' computer (PC) is my second one. I learned how to surf the internet and all in 1998, I think. I used to work at one of deaf schools as one-to-one specialist and wife of superintendent of that school is a veteran troubleshooter, she found out through my mother that I learned how to use the computer in very short time... So she took me under her 'wing' to teach me the tricks and secrets of troubleshooting, that's where and when I learned how to troubleshooting the computer. I eventually became skilled in few computer/web languages and troubleshooting through her that which helped me landed me at one of companies as IT specialist for few years before transferred to media and different position.

Actually, right after one year and half of training to troubleshoot and repair computer, I moved to different state and people heard the rumor that I can repair or build the custom computers. They started to ask me for help to repair or troubleshoot their computers plus asking me to build their custom computers. I also landed at deaf school as temporary aide to IT during summertime to make some extra money. So far, I had been building 18 different custom computers for friends, relatives and myself. I also took the MCSE exams and scored the 4 exams... only 2 to go before I can get a MCSE certification.

When I found out that more and more IT or MCSE-certificated people lost their jobs to outsourcing and one of good friend of mine who is a IT gave me a warning that the IT or MCSE-certificated positions will be scarce in no time... which he is right. He lost his job to chineses as well and he currently is working as datacenter manager at deaf school. I've changed my mind on my future career.

Beside IT and troubleshooting, I self-taught and learned how to edit the video & animations with Premiere plus pre-composing the effects and such in videos through After Effects.

I also self-taught and learned how to use 3D application a.k.a. Lightwave to create virtually anything... movies, TV, games, animes, etc etc.. Words get around that these positions get high pay but I decided to consider it as hobby instead.

I think I am able to do many things with computer so far but I started to let my computer skill to be rotting because I no longer motivate to learn anything with computer. However I will never stop modeling and animating with Lightwave since it is my 'hobby'. Right now, I am more leaning to Journalism, Osteopathic Medicine (second year), Tracker or Environmental Lawyer.
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sequoias said:
My first computer was a Atari 1040ST in 1988, it had a little green desktop with a bee icon when it's working. It was a slug too, but was great for its time, it had a palette of 512 colors, it had 1 MB of RAM with a 800 kB floppy drive. We used it for word processing, computer games, basic programming, etc.
Whoa, that's quite old... I remember I took a computer class at deaf school when I was young. I also remember why I hate Mac so much because of these ollllld Mac computers in my class. Ah, memories...
I first use computer in 1981 at work place in London. I spent with computers for years is at work place only until I bought my own computer for my family for a first time in 2003. Occchhh!
eh my first puter was a commodore 64 then my next computer was packard bell then next puter was a dell now my most recent is a HP and will be getting apple laptop or a HP laptop real soon im still tinkering ard on infos first
My first computer was like in 1984 or so, and it was from Radio Shack, they had those Tandy computers. It was fun writing programs to draw pictures, make 3-D images and write music with. It was DOS and very easy once you learned the programming language.

Then I didn't get a new computer until like 1993 when I got one with my college. They required that everyone have a computer, so they distributed all computers to their students. I started with a 386 computer which ran on Windows 3.0 or something. I don't remember anymore. It was useful while it lasted. I would go to the computer labs to use the internet as far back as 1995, and I learned a lot about HTML through many trial and errors with my webpages.

1998, I got a Gateway computer, which is slow by today's standard, Pentium II, 333 MHz, etc... It was when I started to learn so much about computers, including designing softwares such as 3-D StudioMAX (which my school required me to learn), Photoshop, Illustrator, QuarkXPress, etc... I still have this computer til this day, even though it may be a bit restricted in its processing and memory. I'm thinking about buying a laptop soon so that I can use it for my studies this fall. We'll see though! I may opt to buy a different desktop set though, to have more hard drive storage, memory and faster processor.
I'm not even going to say what computers I have and what programs I know. One hint - My first website was designed by myself in 1995. I worked for a web design firm (www.citynet.net) from 1996-2003, so my software and language knowledge is extensive.
How much experience do you have with computers?

Nice to meet you all.

:/ too much -

I started to build my computer when I'm in junior. Now, I just built my third tower. It's looking nice. My major is in Information Technology. Its concentrations are networking, and blend of the general courses such as programming (JAVA, and C++), system adminstration, and others. >.> now I'm working in a IT environment. It seems I have to cut my PC games time.. I'm getting sick of playing them...
I have been using computers since I was 5 in 1991. my first school laptop was b/w Apple Powerbook 140. I also used two color laptops and one Performa Mac with PC x86 card inside so I ran Windows 3.11/MS-DOS 6.22. Then we finally got first internet access (AOheLL) with Compaq Presario 5280 using Windows 98 in mid 1999 (I still have it and two years ago, I replaced 98 with NT4). In 2000, I got my first owned Compaq Presario 7478 with my own AOheLL dial up and it is blank and gave spare parts to my brother. In 2002, my friend built a customized PC for me, and it was 2.2Ghz at first, but the motherboard was not stable, so the technician replaced it with 1.25ghz msi mobo. In 2003, I got my sexy Apple Mac G4 (OSX ONLY) and it is running Tiger. Finally, on Christmas 2004, I was getting something big and I didn't expect it, but guess what it was? A new Dell server based system! I screamed really loudly and I was very glee about it. It is the most stable system and it's 2.8GHZ.

I also know about networks since I am the only one who can manage the home network for the family.