Existing New App For The Deaf Community - Need Your Help Defining It!


New Member
Sep 10, 2016
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Hey all!
My name is Dan. I'm working on a new app, specifically built to help deaf people communicate with non-deaf people.
I wanted to ask you, as individuals and as community. What features would you like to see?

By now, i have cross-language script that takes live-recording voice, from any language, and translating it into text. I.E, if i'm not deaf, i can speak to the phone, and it'll show you what i'm saying, in textual presentation, real time.

Using this key feature, what things you think i can built, to help you, as individuals and community? (I'm not deaf btw).

Would like to hear your suggestions, day to day struggles, etc'.

Another approach, for schools etc'. Would maybe, giving the teacher, the ability to speak to a small device, such a phone etc', while real-timing translating the teacher voice into text, and live streaming it to the students phone/computers. Is it something, as students, that might help? Or there are already other methods i'm not aware of?

Would appreciate any help!