excuse reply

umm excuse me can u put condom on me? my hands r full sorry thank u..

If your wondering where the P is... its about to run down my leg in a second.
Originally posted by Strawberry
Excuse reply? eh?

Excuse me, I gotta laugh.

will you please excuse me? I am still stare at your umm... your butt, yeah...
Originally posted by Strawberry
*gasps* EXCUSE ME! You're not supposed to save my ass!

Oh... excuse me... *release your butt and let you fall off the cliff*

bye bye Strawberry-chick. :sadwave:
:fart: :Oops: :shock: scuse me! i gotta to pooped! *runs to ladies room* aaww man! not in the line! *stands in the end of line, waiting for my turn to come up*......
Originally posted by javapride
ROFLMAOOOO! LOL! thats funny ! excuse me i dont get this thread either explain WHY u have this EXCUSE ME thread, Seems pointless and doesn't make any sense!

exuase me, why r u lauging ur ass off when this is pointless? i see u laughing for urself w/ ur mom smoking up some shit rainbow
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:laugh2: this thread sure is LAME I don't care what u wud say against what I have to say

excuse me I'm gonna :slap: steel's head for bein dumbazz to make a POINTLESS thread ;)