Exclusive: Interview with Rebecca Bailey


New Member
Jun 25, 2013
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Rebecca Bailey, better known as Becky. Born profoundly deaf, I grew up in East Sussex, UK. I've been creative all my life, using my hands to make clothes, art, food - I enjoy the visual and problem solving aspects, it absorbs me. I could quite happily spend hours untying knots, painting little objects.

As a student in college, my interest in photography deepened. I was always so excited about getting into the dark room, to watch an image develop onto the blank paper. It made me so proud to take, and then develop my own images.

I'm a very sociable person, love nothing more than spending time with friends and family, especially my Mum and playing with my two girls. As long as I'm travelling, moving, creating things (cakes, art, films and, of course, beautiful photographs), I can't complain!

- See more at: The Silent Grapevine: Exclusive: Interview with Rebecca Bailey