Ever came close to an Alligator before?

i only see in zoom n never see them near me
OMG I will R U N off it is so scary...... LOL oh my! you are so....... CLOSE! LOL crazy...
I see them almost all the time in Miami. You just have to know what to do if a certain alligator tries to attack you. Never run in a straight line. I have seen them in Key Largo hanging out near the boat ramps, so sometimes we have to scare them off. It's cool, but sometimes not cool knowing there's one in the water.
This shows how common alligators are here (today's newspaper):

Johns Island gator wounded by an arrow in city park
By Brian Hicks
The Post and Courier
Thursday, September 27, 2007

JOHNS ISLAND — They ambushed him like cowards, shot him and left him to die.

But Big Al lived, and if he knows who shot the arrow at him, he's not talking.

He's no rat, he's a reptile.

This island community is abuzz with the mystery of who shot the 4 1/2-foot alligator — called Big Al by some locals — at the Johns Island Park. State officials are investigating this assault on the local wildlife, which, despite talk of a gator hunting season, is most definitely a state and federal offense.

Department of Natural Resources officials say they will prosecute.

For years, Al has lived peacefully in the pond behind the ball fields. Despite the sign that says "DON'T FEED THE ALLIGATORS," Al often enjoyed potluck lunches from picnickers, his dinner bell a couple of sharp claps from someone on the bank.

Sue Wilkinson was having lunch in the park Tuesday when she found Al lying on the ground, an Easton-brand arrow stuck in his neck. She thought he was dead and ran to get her digital camera. When she came back, Al was up walking around and quickly slipped into the pond.

"It is absolute cruelty," Wilkinson said. "He's just a baby."

Anna Martin, spokeswoman for DNR, says the state first got the report of the injured gator nearly three weeks ago, but when officers investigated, they couldn't find Al. It's unclear if there have been two gators shot with arrows, but they are assuming for now that Al is the only one.

On Wednesday, before DNR trappers arrived to catch Al, and maybe figure out if doctors can patch him up, the gator was lounging in the weeds at the pond's edge. The arrow in his neck stuck above the grass line, seriously affecting his ability to hide.

He took off for a swim, ignoring the turtles paddling around him. When one of the men on the park's grounds crew clapped, Al swam toward the bank. He got within about 6 feet, looked up, realized no one had any chicken for him and turned around with one graceful flick of his tail.

"I hope they can save him," Wilkinson said. "I don't know why someone would do that."

Charleston, SC Latest Local News: Johns Island gator wounded by an arrow in city park
(includes a picture)
This letter to the editor was also in today's newspaper:

Proceed cautiously

I was sorry to read in The Post and Courier of the gentleman who lost his arm to an alligator. This prompted me to write and offer precautions to avoiding alligators.

As a member of the Crowfield Country Club, I play golf frequently. One day on the sixth hole, I noted that a female alligator had seven young ones. As I stood there watching them swim, the female came out of the water toward me. Needless to say, I ran as fast as I could. My partner remarked, "I never saw an old man run so fast."

Another day on the 15th hole, I saw an alligator that chomped through the enter front section of a dog leaving the rear end for his future meal.

My friend informed me that a deer attempted to cross Crowfield Lakes, only to be attacked by two alligators that devoured the carcass.

Please, fellow golfers and others, where there are alligators, proceed with caution.
Charleston, SC Latest Editorial News: Letters to the Editor
Crowfield is a very nice subdivision with a golf course.
I wonder if that gator saw Cheri's behind (ya know what I mean by this) and thought about waddling over there to see closer... I bet that why Cheri had to bolt fast enough... lol kidding, Cheri.... still cool way to see the gator up close and still be far away as not to get hammered good...
WOW ! :eek3:

I never seen in real one but seeing on tv many times :) .. would want to see it in real one hehe :lol:
Cheri, that's neat you got a close up of an alligator. Your brave lol
Wonder if it did show after ya peed your pant?? Bet anyone look at ya a bit odd and say "eh girl did ya pee your pant on purpose or by accident?" LOL kidding..
Cheri, whew, I'm glad that you didn't get any closer. Gators can turn on you and attack very quickly.
:giggle: good one Northstar

Cheri is still brave for coming close even though she was scared out of her wits.

:topic: Highlands I clicked your link to youtube, nice song.. I like Tarkan!