End's Face Part 2


New Member
Jan 15, 2006
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As we all know End is no doubtly too embarassed to show us his face.

Is it becasue if he spare us but a mere look upon his face, would we all pass out from pure rapture or is it he is so ugly that our eyes would burn upon gazing his face.

He has a suit of utmost neatness but what is his face! I need to know! ( And End, no more Witch of Argnesi this time)

What do you peasants think of End's royalty face???

I must know!! *Break down*
:ugh: I have no clue what you just said. My brain is not getting it.
Do no one even care what the face of End is. Is it the face of an angel or a face of most monstrous evilness which forces us to sin??!!