

New Member
Apr 30, 2010
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FCC Threatens Future Of Video Relay Service

Please tell your friends/family to get involved. Fill out the form below to have an email sent to them explaining what is happening with VRS and how they can help. Thank you!

FCC Threatens Future of Video Relay Service!
I told everyone at meeting about FCC from Sorenson in eight hours ago.

Also, Must fill out the form before May 14.
Anything happened yet- this November?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Clicked on the link but didn't see anything about a threat from the FCC, just a regular ad from Sorenson....
Sorenson isn't in Canada yet? I guess-thanks goodness!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-activated Aug/07
How can I hide this? I have signatures hidden and yet it still shows up in every drphill post! :o
It's because he's not using the signature option. He's including his "signature" statement manually as part of his post text. Other than being annoying, I don't know why he does it.

I use signatures hidden option, too, because I don't have time to scroll thru all that stuff, especially when I'm on my Blackberry. I also try to limit my own signature posted only once per thread.
Thanks for the replies, yes I read AD on my phone as well as on the PC, so I prefer having signatures off and thought I'd missed something. :aw:
Still true today. Thanks goodness.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07