ELI Hearing Bluetooth (telecoil)


Jun 9, 2004
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pintnight said:
Does anybody know where I can purchase a ELI Hearing bluetooth for coil?

Here's the link for the full information:


Currently, I don't feel like spending a lot of money for new hearing aids that I can plug in a bluetooth device to use my cell phone. So, the next best thing is to use the telecoil for now.

Here is some place in Texas that seems to sell it, though I never filled out the form to find out. Soundbytes has it over the 'net, though I don't know how reliable they are. Either way, it's expensive as hell: you gotta spend $300 to use your bluetooth phone.

I'd like to build my own Bluetooth neckloop, but the writer cannot release all the good details due to some non-disclosure agreements he signed. I can't seem to find the info to fill in the spaces, so to speak.

Nokia had a page asking readers if they would be interested in a Bluetooth loopset, and that they might make one available for late 2006 sometime...but I can't find the page anymore. Nokia DOES have an adapter that one can plug into their nokia phone to give it a bluetooth capability, but there is no neckloop to take advantage of it. That's why I want to take a B/t headset and build a neckloop...but I don't understand fully how to do it. I really want to get rid of the wire going to my phone. I almost feel like I'm back in the sixties wearing "the box" around my neck!
I have no idea. But, you have to ask Hearing Aid appointment to get you a test to see what you sound score for your hear low number. A reason that some I saw it was pretty good. I know I saw 60+. Like I have my sound below 90 to 100. That how what I have problem. That is what I reason is. :)