Easier way to look up my own posts


Active Member
Oct 15, 2006
Reaction score
May I suggest using the username after the Welcome part for the linking to username's own posts? I found I had to find a thread that I had posted in and click on my own username to get to my own posts so I can read those who posted after my post to see if anybody make a comment on my post or not.

I don't know if I am the only one who do that. Am I??
By clicking on one's own username and finding the 'Find more posts by *username*' will show all the posts you've posted. Also, another way is going to your 'User CP' and either you'll have a listing of subscribed threads you've posted in...or you can go down on the left side and click on: 'List Subscriptions' to find the threads you've posted in. Another option is to 'check' the email notification section letting you know that another post was posted in a thread after yours. To 'check' that option is in the 'Edit Options' section of the User CP.

I'm sure others are doing what you've mentioned and there are several ways one can navigate throughout AD with reasonable comfort.... ;)
