Eagle Grabs Baby And Try to Fly Off!

Does this look like a fake to you or did the eagle really try to fly off with the baby??
I remember reading that eagles are considered a danger to small children in, I believe it was, Afghanistan.

No, I think the danger is there. They are wild animals and there are domestic animals that are a danger to children - and adults.

I've had more than 1 person tell me that they have lost their cat to an owl. One said that she stood right there at the back door and watched as the cat walked out, sat down and was carried off by the owl.

If a 4 pound owl can carry off a 7 pound cat. I think that a 15 pound eagle could be a very real danger to a toddler.
A large hawk swooped down on my daughter at the beach (she was in the water) and just missed her. We figured it saw the sand bucket in the water she was holding, and thought it was a fish. My husband and I were in shock, she was 8 at the time, much too big to carry off!
I think you're right--probably was going for the "fish" bucket. There was an incident at a bird show where a hawk swooped down to catch a cockatoo while the handler was holding it, kind of like the hawk that tried to get the bucket your daughter was holding. At the bird show, the hawk struck the handler instead (must've been painful).

Good thing the hawk missed your daughter! Was she okay? Did it scare her?
It is fake!!!! It is all over the news here. Even the article says it is fake. Looks pretty real though.
It is fake!!!! It is all over the news here. Even the article says it is fake. Looks pretty real though.

Really?? Wow, I thought it was real!!! It looked real when they showed it in slow motion. I'm hoping it's fake because other wise that's SCARY!
Nope Mimsy it was fake. I guess we have to be so cautious before we believe something now a days. People are great on computers and seem to be able to scare so many people.
Hawks do carry off small animals...and I remember a few years ago, there was a Hawk on a neighbor's roof...he came there for several days straight...So I was very careful of my doggie whenever I let her out to do her business....stood right there with her...Also saw the Hawk trying to swoop down on some Cats.....and guessing that Buzzards will do the same...
A large hawk swooped down on my daughter at the beach (she was in the water) and just missed her. We figured it saw the sand bucket in the water she was holding, and thought it was a fish. My husband and I were in shock, she was 8 at the time, much too big to carry off!

My granddaughter had a sandwich in her hand and a seagull swooped down
and took the sandwich right of her hand , she was only around 5 yo. My granddaughter was very lucky she did not get hurt. It look like the baby in the video has on a hat the look like an animal , I wonder if the eagle thought it was picking an animal and dropped the baby when it realize it was not an animal .
That is a very frighten thing to think about but I could see how if an eagle was hungry or had babies to fed it would go after a baby. what a horrible thought!!
Nope Mimsy it was fake. I guess we have to be so cautious before we believe something now a days. People are great on computers and seem to be able to scare so many people.

Oh thanks God!
The hoax movie clips are getting soooo realistic. But hawks and eagles will take small dogs and cats.other animals willb take toddlers too