During Pregnancy.....

Damienmommy, do you know what your having?
Damienmommy, do you know what your having?

Not yet, but on May 4, I will find out which gender. I should've find out 2 weeks ago at 18 weeks preg. But I just had doctor appt last week so they gave me ultrasound appointment finally.
Congratulate!!! :D

Only Mostly I was slepty while I was pregnancy!
Congratulations on your pregnancy!! Bet you cannot wait!!
Oh yea, I read some people post. I forgot to mention, my 1st and 2nd pregnant is totally DIFFERENT!!! So different feeling, different kind of sick. 1st one, I has a boy. Now people kept telling me that they bet I will having a girl for 2nd one. I got a lot of sick with 2nd preg..but 1st preg, I only sick for 1 month that's it.

Exactly the same with me, with my second one, it was tougher than my first, not just morning sickness, but during labor as well. :lol:
my mum ad really bad morning sickness with my brother but with us girls she was ill constantly all day
Congrats Oldnavygirl, and your one week late...

Congrats LakeTahoe! She is at her last week of first trimester!
thanks for the congrats!!

Im feeling a lot better than i was over a week ago. :) Im back to normal and i'm at week 11 starting today -- yet i still feel fatigue at times. I'm also working and notice myself sweating more than before. lol -- its interesting experience. right now i feel nothing and feeling the same as normal oldnavygirl ! LOL
thanks for the congrats!!

Im feeling a lot better than i was over a week ago. :) Im back to normal and i'm at week 11 starting today -- yet i still feel fatigue at times. I'm also working and notice myself sweating more than before. lol -- its interesting experience. right now i feel nothing and feeling the same as normal oldnavygirl ! LOL

Wanna said congruate on ur preg *mess ur tummy* :giggle: and good luck!

Same for LakeTahoe too congrate preg again
Congrats on your preggy, ONG. Hope it will goes smoothly for 9 months. :) Sorry I can't help you with the preggy things cos I never fall preggy.

Also to Lake Tahoe, congrat! :)
Hey OldNavygirl, when are you due? I am due on November 6. :) I guess we are about a week apart eh? :lol:
congrats to u dhb and laketahoe..

yes for now its due nov 16th til i go to dr on may 7th to find out the exact information. :)
3 more days left to doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 *giggles*
Yep that's right! You'll go dr for check up such as your BP (blood pressure), weigh etc and baby's heart beat montly till you reach umm I think 28 weeks, go bi weekly then when you reach 36 weeks, weekly till born. :)

The more you relax, the easier it will be. :)

Understood your excitement, been there and done that and doing it all over again.
here i go.... im exactly at week 12 and due on nov 19th. dr says the baby heartbeat is A plus -- 162 :) I've also seen the baby moving on sonogram, its amazing!! :)
COOL! I will see dr tomorrow. I will be 14 weeks! So we are about 2 weeks apart!!! :) Who know whoever comes first! :lol: Hee!
here i go.... im exactly at week 12 and due on nov 19th. dr says the baby heartbeat is A plus -- 162 :) I've also seen the baby moving on sonogram, its amazing!! :)