Dumbass AIMers

you people are whining like a crybaby.

I get random IMs from strangers all the time...

check my logs at my site.

deaf can hear
I had same problem with AIM. Recently on Saturday night, I received strange AIM message from stranger. I was working on 800mhz system in my garage testing Mephis Linux and had it installed and ran Kopete (KDE Instant Messaging) and left it running all afternoon and throughout the night. The message popped up and it is a girl.

girl: Hey you there
me:Hi what's up?
girl:I want to know what is your name?
me:I don't know you..
girl:my name is gail (forgot exactly her name)
me:ah I see
girl:I live in New Jersey
girl:I am into trade
girl:what you do?
me:I was up cuz I can't sleep so I'm working on Linux sytem.
girl:you must be good with computer
girl:are you married?
girl:you have kids?
girl:Is everything okay with your family?
me:I'm fine
girl:maybe we should get to know each other
me:no thanks, I am not interested in sex talk
girl:oh i see
(I ignored her message afterward and went silent mode, started to work on Mephis Linux 7.0)
girl:maybe we can talk about other thing
girl:hello are you there?
girl:Hey you there?

Then I logged off Kopete and rebooted after installing program. After Linux loaded desktop and kopete was loaded automatically cuz it was running previously.

the AIM just popped up:

girl: Hey hello are you there?

I was working on Kopete to look for to block her but didn't have luck finding it so i just delete her off the AIM's new "Not in your contact list".

Then afterward she stopped bothering me.

That's what happen,

I had same problem with AIM. Recently on Saturday night, I received strange AIM message from stranger. I was working on 800mhz system in my garage testing Mephis Linux and had it installed and ran Kopete (KDE Instant Messaging) and left it running all afternoon and throughout the night. The message popped up and it is a girl.

girl: Hey you there
me:Hi what's up?
girl:I want to know what is your name?
me:I don't know you..
girl:my name is gail (forgot exactly her name)
me:ah I see
girl:I live in New Jersey
girl:I am into trade
girl:what you do?
me:I was up cuz I can't sleep so I'm working on Linux sytem.
girl:you must be good with computer
girl:are you married?
girl:you have kids?
girl:Is everything okay with your family?
me:I'm fine
girl:maybe we should get to know each other
me:no thanks, I am not interested in sex talk
girl:oh i see
(I ignored her message afterward and went silent mode, started to work on Mephis Linux 7.0)
girl:maybe we can talk about other thing
girl:hello are you there?
girl:Hey you there?

Then I logged off Kopete and rebooted after installing program. After Linux loaded desktop and kopete was loaded automatically cuz it was running previously.

the AIM just popped up:

girl: Hey hello are you there?

I was working on Kopete to look for to block her but didn't have luck finding it so i just delete her off the AIM's new "Not in your contact list".

Then afterward she stopped bothering me.

That's what happen,


I forgot to mentioned that I asked the "girl" where did she find my sn. She said from Deafconnect.com. I checked and my name wasn't even there (I never bothered update my name on directory and it disappeared long ago).
The "girl" is a liar!! Shush!!

This is why I don't add on my aim messenger or other messengers in profile. :)