Dry and Store


New Member
Jun 9, 2008
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I have the Global model from Cochlear , it was in my box , along with four dessicants.

Tonight I realized that I'm in my last one..:shock: time sure gets by quickly!!

Sooo..I looked online , and I found the rechargeable dessicants , and the plain ones..Is anyone with rechargeable dessicants to say if there is any difference?

I also am searching for a site that I can order them online and have them shipped here..I don't trust the local office , at all...Tends to go rather skyrocket with the prices.Do you know any good sites?
I've never used the rechargeables, but I got brand new, cheap disposables for my D&S on eBay.
Cochlear Online had them on sale not to long ago.
I think buy 2, get 1 free or something like that.
Check their shipping out first.
I know there are other sites.
You may try googling drystore. I think they are around $3.00 each. Sure can't remember exactly.
I recently picked up disposable batteries from a company in FL. Their price was slightly higher but shipping was dirt cheap. Overall, less money from me.

Good luck
I have a Dry and Store. The first time I used it, in the morning my ear moulds were stuck to the tray, I have soft full shell ear moulds. I've been afraid to put them in it ever since in case they melt or something!
I have a Dry and Store. The first time I used it, in the morning my ear moulds were stuck to the tray, I have soft full shell ear moulds. I've been afraid to put them in it ever since in case they melt or something!

your earmolds won't melt. earmolds are safe for the temperature used in the dry and store. if my ci processors are safe, then your earmolds are certainly safe as well.