Dream sign


New Member
Oct 20, 2006
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I have had dreams with my Deaf friends in them in the past. When talking to them in my dreams we either wave our hands around incoherently but what ever the movements I understand. They are not real signs though. Or in the case of my best friend we talk telepathically, no hand movements, just mind to mind. Well last night was different. I actually dreamt in real sign, and I remember them, (well some you know how the memory of a dream is). And I was interpreting for my friends and they were signing real signs too. When I started remembering my dream this morning I was like, WOW okay that is cool! The signs are now in my subconscious
ive done that, when you get so engrossed in something, such as signing, it carries over into your dreams. In high school i was into martial arts, and im still fascinated with german language and culture, and want to learn it. one week for some reason i was thinking about them both alot, and had a dream that i went to berlin and learned some super secret german karate....on second thought maybe it was something i ate haha.
I've had dreams in sign before too heh. wierd thing is, i dont really remember dreams in voice, everything is jsut kinda known.