Double Standards and Flawed Standards


New Member
Aug 2, 2009
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Double standards ... um... bite. I know I missed... well a bunch... and not all of these are -technically- double standards... just flawed standards...

Men should have lots of sex, women should stay 'pure'...
Experimentation between men is wrong, but women is sexy...
Sexually adventurous people are a risk to be with sexually

Boys should like blue, Girls should like pink
Boys should play with cars, girls dolls
Boys should play physical sports (soccer, football, karate)
Girls should do crafts (knitting, sewing, making paper)
"Tom Boys" are strong and independent
"Sally Girls" (or sissy boys) are weak and deviant.
Girls should learn to cook
Boys should learn business
Girls can where boy clothes, boys cannot were girl clothes
Girls should -like- dresses
Women should care for children, men should work

You can't do this job because you are (some not normal condition here).
Men work harder then women.
(such and whatever type) should get extra help, not based on the person's personal issues but the history of that person's group.
Social assistance is for the lazy/cheaters only
(such and whatever) is not an ADA applicable issue...

Living with parents is week/childish
Living on -that- side of town makes you a drug dealer

Isn't it nice that you marred a (whoever)
The world will end if you allow (something here)
You aren't on (social media site)?

This child has These accommodations so their nearly perfect score won't count for the standardized test.
People that have taught forever are good teachers.
Boys are good at Math and Science, Girls are good at Reading and Writing
'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.'
Your child has (problem here) is doing exceptionally well, considering (problem)

You (problem) can (activity)?
My group is (descriptors) and we need help... HEY stop pitying us...
My group can (ability) so we are better...
Us vs Them
I'm not a bigot, I have friends of (group)

---------Rant about double standards and false standards here.--------

I don't get it ?



The misconception that just because someone wants to do more then missionary in bed that they must "risky partner" bringing the chance of disease... that person may be the patron 'saint' of safe sex.

That was about clear as mud... sorry.
Are there some controlling people in your life? If so, that may be why you're sick of imposed standards. Come outside the box.
so..... what's the purpose of this thread? how should this thread go about?
so..... what's the purpose of this thread? how should this thread go about?

bitch'n'moan some.

naisho said windows is the best, but he uses linux.
Jiro says he's a road warrior on a motorcycle, but drives a car in the winter.
The misconception that just because someone wants to do more then missionary in bed that they must "risky partner" bringing the chance of disease... that person may be the patron 'saint' of safe sex.


yeah, some pple are like "anal sex"??? :eek3:
that's sick!! :crazy:

"oral sex" ??? :shock:
I would never !! :giggle:


Just because "I" don't enjoy/ am scared off/ don't find appealing this stuff,
doesn't mean "I" need to condemn everybody else who's finding it exciting.

How is that a double standard? That is apply a self centric standard to everyone.
double standards are social contructs often based on societal roles and expectations