Don't Date Him, Girl


New Member
Sep 16, 2003
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I haven't been to alldeaf in a while so I decided to read most of the posts in the 'Relationship' forum based on dating, being single and marriage and found myself reading most of posts whereabout abuses happens in many relationships that has been pretty harsh and I am proud to know that women who are members of alldeaf has the confidence to post their experience in relationships, dating, and marriage. Definitely.
I thought of a great website that I should put up for you all women who has been in a horrible relationship with jerks from hell and really wants to spread 'beware of this guy' message to other women in the right place.
The website is a place where women share their experience of dating 'a no good guy'. This could be a huge 'lifesaver' for yourself and other. You just need to look up a name of the guy and you'll bust him in no time if he's a bad seed. Also, if you know anyone that you wouldn't want your friend, family or anyone else to date or....marry a ex then go to this site and write up about this asshole!
Here is the link Don't Date Him, Girl!

Post your opinion about the website!
I have seen a news report about that website. it is ... interesting but it could be misabused by some disgruntled ex girlfriends of guys which led to misinformation about a person.
THe website probably will bomb out because I think there are such women who will abuse this power of talking "smack" about men who dump/cheated on them.
It is like marking big red letter "A" on them .... let's not going back to the days of Hester Prynne!
I post myself about how horrible cheater I am.

Many girls loved me more. woot!
I wouldn't rely on that website much. I'm not saying this because I am a guy, but because women lie too.

I knew one gal who was dating this guy. They were in a relationship for many years. What the guy didn't know was that the gal was lying to him and lying to others behind his back. Whenever he had to leave for a meeting or something, she would threaten to hurt herself. Half of the time, she would actually hurt herself. Later, she would tell her friends the "truth" by saying that he walked out on her. Well, if you look at it this way... she's sitting in her room, he has a meeting to go to, he walks out the door... yep, he "walked out" on her in a non-cruel way. Yet, others who hear her say it... will assume that he walked out on her in a cruel way.

It's like I cut my middle finger and gave her my middle finger so she could put a band-aid on it. Later, she tells her friends... "He gave me the middle finger." She told the truth, but the wrong truth that will make people hate me.
sharron dawain price

this is the worst nigga to ever get with cause he is 28 years old and have six kids and a fat ass wife that he cheat on with every female that walk and i can't belive a woman can actully stand by someone like that she must be really ulgy cause no nigga is worth that much but sharron is a dead beat father and he pay for pussy but if u ask her she will say that u give him money not me she gave me money that the only reason he is still with her cause she take care of him so he can pay for his pussy
I have to agree with VampyroX... Not all girls are being honestly, they are just taking the advantage of that website to make them feel better, just to making men look bad.

I didn't mean to say ALL of those girls on that website are lying, but you know, some girls need to be very honestly.

I have a experience with my lying mother, but I forgived her anyway. My dad was choking on me with seatbelt in the car while fighting because my dad won't let me leave home. But I just get out of the car and walk to Fred Meyer and use the public TTY calling to my mom explained what happened, and my mom didn't believe me. Thus, she lied to others that I ran away from the home.

Just remember don't trust all the girls...
Well, this is so bad idea, this site really an invitation to retalitation against somebdoy. Not a good way!

I have had enough bad experience with women and some of them are good at making up stories. Some women who knew me so well said this can't be you. I just RME, they are just jerks! My GF refused to give up on me, knew I am too nice for that.

As Vampy said, he is right. Some women likes guys who beats them up. I don't understand why these guy assholes are attractive to them then end up retalate against him.

Go figure! I won't buy these stories in that website!
i don't trust guys who hurt women feelings about the relationships and etc... that involved in the relationship

my ex hurt my feelings so much that i stop trusting guys or can't be trusted
It doesnt say "Dont Swing With Him, Girl"


It goes both ways, Men can lie, Women can lie, there's a flaw in every relationship either by a man, or by a woman or both. :P
I haven't been to alldeaf in a while so I decided to read most of the posts in the 'Relationship' forum based on dating, being single and marriage and found myself reading most of posts whereabout abuses happens in many relationships that has been pretty harsh and I am proud to know that women who are members of alldeaf has the confidence to post their experience in relationships, dating, and marriage. Definitely.
I thought of a great website that I should put up for you all women who has been in a horrible relationship with jerks from hell and really wants to spread 'beware of this guy' message to other women in the right place.
The website is a place where women share their experience of dating 'a no good guy'. This could be a huge 'lifesaver' for yourself and other. You just need to look up a name of the guy and you'll bust him in no time if he's a bad seed. Also, if you know anyone that you wouldn't want your friend, family or anyone else to date or....marry a ex then go to this site and write up about this asshole!
Here is the link Don't Date Him, Girl!

Post your opinion about the website!

This website is for Girls, not mature women... so i could care less if girls complain about me.
I have had few women that hurt me greatly... If there is a site that "dont dateher" available. I wouldn't ever think about putting her name there! I do not believe in putting her name in public. Some of my ex's think I did, its their problem.
mostly people who been dating for longtimes and got married quick in early ages.