Don't Buy Pepsi In The New Can!

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Active Member
May 31, 2005
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Got this from my e-mail

Christian and Non-Christian Alert !!!!

Don't buy Pepsi in the new can. Pepsi has a new "patriotic" can
coming out with pictures of the Empire State Building, and the
Pledge of Allegiance on them.
However, Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge,

"Under God."
Pepsi said they didn't want to offend anyone.

In that case, we don't
want to offend anyone at the Pepsi corporate office, either!
So if we don't buy any Pepsi product, they will not be offended
when they don't receive our money that has the words

"In God We Trust" on it.

My mom sent me that one. I did not know neither did my mom that so therefore , I am not even that close to being
:Owned: The article does say there is some truth to this. The word ....
" God" is under attack in this country by politically correct liberals that are Anti-God.

Thank God For the Republican Party !!!
Then ya got an OWNED Mom! LOL! Like Mamma, like son..... :shock:
EVEN if an e-mail comes from God, Bush, your mother, or SALMAN HYSNEIDU FROM NIGERIA... you should ALWAYS check or one of those other urban legend-type sites for confirmation BEFORE sending it to other people..
My apologies; a little too quick on the trigger after reading other posts in another topic re:.....nevermind... :mrgreen:
The word ....
" God" is under attack in this country by politically correct liberals that are Anti-God.
Just b/c someone doesn't like the specific mention of God in something, does NOT make them "Anti-God." It's just that they want to be more inclusive....Not all Americans are Christians you know. Americans have all sorts of differing beliefs when it comes to people should be NEUTRAL when it comes to public displays of religion......that way NOBODY is left out. I mean, would YOU like it if you lived in a country where a diety that you did not worship was publicly honored? Wouldn't you feel it was very "in your face?"
*Sipping Pepsi and thoroughly enjoying it.*
Yup, Allah is great.
:sure: Apparently some of his molecules would believe into anything that comes across
If you look at the Constitution, you'll see that it emphasizes that the government and religion are separate. Yet, the government breaks their own rules by using religion in their stuff... like money.

So, whether Pepsi put "Under God" on their cans or not... I wouldn't care. I'm not going to boycott Pepsi products cuz of this. Pepsi is Pepsi... I'll still drink it.
Heath said:
What does that have to do with this thread?

Secondly, what Bush did was wrong. In a political position as himself, he should not have declared that day in Texas. What about the Muslims or Buddists? They would be offended. They are American citizens as well and should be treated the same.
Yes, I'm afraid these are the last dayz and its time for us to take a stand. Remember, before the second coming will be huge persecutions.. they are already mocking us. Its subtle but its happening.

This country is in for a serious awakening......its very scarey. We need to stand and be counted. There cannot be any fence sitters in the last days.

Stay close to the spirit and get yourselves and your families prepared.

Bush is for a one world order-- communism in disquise of the UN. He is being controlled like a puppet. We will not have the righteous leaders again. We have not had them in a very long time. As long as the people of this nation remain wicked, the Lord will no longer protect us. I beleive the times now are more wicked than in the days of Noah. And we know what happened in the days of Noah.

You remember too that in Noah story- the people had been warned by Noah, who was a Prophet that if they did not repent and follow him on the ship the Lord would destroy them. You may remember too that out of all those people.........only EIGHT boarded the boat and lived.

I'm telling you these prophesies in the scriptures are real. We are so close. Evil men are ruling right now and its becuase we are not keeping the commandments. The Lord will chastise us until we repent and remember Him.

That just means that the Govt had no right to tell you how to Worship. That religion was seperate from State. This nation "the constitution" was written by men who were in constant prayer, righteous men. It is the only document ever written to keep a people free, as God would have us be. Free to chose right and wrong so that we may excercise our God given free agency so that we can chose where we will go after this life. Its the only document that has Gods stamp of approval on it. There are many documentations of how those founding fathers wrestled in mighty prayer to make sure that that sacred document, the constitution, was inspired by GOD only. And it was....and we know that in the last days, it will hang by a thread. And it is.

Being politically correct is just a disquise for anti christian persuasions.

In good spirit,

chirowife03 said:
Yes, I'm afraid these are the last dayz and its time for us to take a stand. Remember, before the second coming will be huge persecutions.. they are already mocking us. Its subtle but its happening.

This country is in for a serious awakening......its very scarey. We need to stand and be counted. There cannot be any fence sitters in the last days.

Stay close to the spirit and get yourselves and your families prepared.


:gpost: You do not want to be here when the anti-christ is on the world stage. Give your hearts to Jesus Christ today :)
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