Dogs and T Storms!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
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My hearing dog , which is a Standard Poodle hate thunder and lighting ! We just had a big storm and he was barking the whole time! Does any one have a dog like this? If you do how do you get he/her to stop barking? I am worried my neighbors will start complaining if my dog does this in the middle of the night! We had on big storm at night and I woke up at 5:30 AM to find my dog safe and sounded , he was wrapped around my head!
My hearing dog , which is a Standard Poodle hate thunder and lighting ! We just had a big storm and he was barking the whole time! Does any one have a dog like this? If you do how do you get he/her to stop barking? I am worried my neighbors will start complaining if my dog does this in the middle of the night! We had on big storm at night and I woke up at 5:30 AM to find my dog safe and sounded , he was wrapped around my head ! It was too hot to be wearing a fur coat!
yeah my service dog taco bell is teh same way. any loud noise, gun shot, thunder, strong wind. alot of dogs have these fear. with taco if she is sitting or layin with me she usually will relax some. however if it storms and ur dog is at home alone i would suggest give them a blanket with your sent to lay on while ur away if you know it gonna be thunderstorms while your gone. there are natural supplements the pet stores sell that may help. at far worse case you can call ur dogs vet to get mild sedative for when it storms. my friends dog has to be mildly sedated for storms.
My hearing dog , which is a Standard Poodle hate thunder and lighting ! We just had a big storm and he was barking the whole time! Does any one have a dog like this? If you do how do you get he/her to stop barking? I am worried my neighbors will start complaining if my dog does this in the middle of the night! We had on big storm at night and I woke up at 5:30 AM to find my dog safe and sounded , he was wrapped around my head ! It was too hot to be wearing a fur coat![/QUOTE

Who trained your dog? If it was you, you can train him out of this behavior by desensitizing him to the sound. You can play thunder on a cd or something, and do it once in a while at first, then build up the frequency to eventually be often enough for him to become accustomed and ignore it. This is just something I read. I'd bet if you talk to a trainer, you'd get a good suggestion as well. Do YOU get frightened of the thunder and lightning? Sometimes they react to something in us we are not aware we are feeling. Good luck.
Do YOU get frightened of the thunder and lightning? Sometimes they react to something in us we are not aware we are feeling. Good luck.[/QUOTE]

ohh good point! maybe dog is just sense that you are frightened and is reacting to your fears...:hmm:
My hearing dog , which is a Standard Poodle hate thunder and lighting ! We just had a big storm and he was barking the whole time! Does any one have a dog like this? If you do how do you get he/her to stop barking? I am worried my neighbors will start complaining if my dog does this in the middle of the night! We had on big storm at night and I woke up at 5:30 AM to find my dog safe and sounded , he was wrapped around my head!

My dogs are terrified of thunderstorms. They will bark, whine and a cower next to us when it's storming out. I wish I could advise you what to do, but I can't, really. What we do for our dogs is just try to comfort them during the storm and we stay near them. They tend to do better if they see us.

If things get really bad, you could talk to your vet about the possiblity of anxiety medication. Hope this helps.
You can not train a dog not overcome its fears.. That is like telling a person to overcome a phobia.

One of my dogs is the same way... He turns into a cat and whines around my neck. Shaking frantically. :lol: Either bear with it or get some relaxants for the dog.

Pet stores do sell herbal calming paste, for dogs. It works wonder for mine.
My former dog Buffy (she's now deceased).....shook like a bowl full of jello whenever we had bad thunderstorms, and we do often here in Jax!....No mater what I did, she could not stop it!

I tried wrapping her in a blanket and holding her in my lap....didn't work....I tried covering her ears....didn't work....matter of fact, nothing worked!...She would run under the beds trying to escape it all and I was worried since she was an older dog, having a heart attack.

Now, my dog, Anita, who is a Pomeranian....thunder doesn't bother her!...She does not shake, rattle and roll!.... But...let someone FART...and she runs and hides! HAHA!....(MUst be the smell, huh?)
My dog cowers in fear of thunder. She is our warning system. When I see her head for under my desk, or under the bed, I know to check the weather. She also does this for the snowplow truck.
The idea of playing a CD with thunder sounds to acclimatize her is a new twist. Did not consider this before....:hmm:
My hearing dog , which is a Standard Poodle hate thunder and lighting ! We just had a big storm and he was barking the whole time! Does any one have a dog like this? If you do how do you get he/her to stop barking? I am worried my neighbors will start complaining if my dog does this in the middle of the night! We had on big storm at night and I woke up at 5:30 AM to find my dog safe and sounded , he was wrapped around my head!

I had a hearing dog once. I raised her since she was a pup. She did wimper and barks at thunderstorm, but I calmly took her to the sun room (it has lots of windows) and had her on my lap during thunderstorm, even lightning. I talk to her like she is human being, telling her about the storm like a storybook, calmly telling her it is just noise. We do not like noise but God is making noise like he is bowling in Heaven. She listens to me and felt safe, I even took her outside during thunder storm, later she got used to it and loves to sit out with us during thunderstorm. And she loves pouring rain with lightning :D

pups and dogs do hear ya, talk to her and soothe them like they are your own child. Then evenually, they will be one strong hearing dog like you as a dog trainer. Bec pups and dogs do sense your fear even though you don't show it. You must show no fear!!!
My hearing dog , which is a Standard Poodle hate thunder and lighting ! We just had a big storm and he was barking the whole time! Does any one have a dog like this? If you do how do you get he/her to stop barking? I am worried my neighbors will start complaining if my dog does this in the middle of the night! We had on big storm at night and I woke up at 5:30 AM to find my dog safe and sounded , he was wrapped around my head ! It was too hot to be wearing a fur coat![/QUOTE

Who trained your dog? If it was you, you can train him out of this behavior by desensitizing him to the sound. You can play thunder on a cd or something, and do it once in a while at first, then build up the frequency to eventually be often enough for him to become accustomed and ignore it. This is just something I read. I'd bet if you talk to a trainer, you'd get a good suggestion as well. Do YOU get frightening of the thunder and lightning? Sometimes they react to something in us we are not aware we are feeling. Good luck.

Thanks MySolace, that sound like a good idea desensitizing him to the sound!
He was trained by NEADS , my dog is getting old too , he will be 10 in Sept.
I do not get frighening of thunder ,but I hope jump if get the very loud!
I will have look some tape of T storm and play it my dog! I can't leave him home alone during a storm the people that live upstairs would call the ACO on me for my dog barking !
I had a hearing dog once. I raised her since she was a pup. She did wimper and barks at thunderstorm, but I calmly took her to the sun room (it has lots of windows) and had her on my lap during thunderstorm, even lightning. I talk to her like she is human being, telling her about the storm like a storybook, calmly telling her it is just noise. We do not like noise but God is making noise like he is bowling in Heaven. She listens to me and felt safe, I even took her outside during thunder storm, later she got used to it and loves to sit out with us during thunderstorm. And she loves pouring rain with lightning :D

pups and dogs do hear ya, talk to her and soothe them like they are your own child. Then evenually, they will be one strong hearing dog like you as a dog trainer. Bec pups and dogs do sense your fear even though you don't show it. You must show no fear!!!

I tried talking to my dog and told him the big bad storm would go away! He would be ok until it thunder again ,and it was really bad tonight! I am thinking getting him med's to get during a the next storm ! He got so worked up tonight to did not want to play squeaky with me ! I call his squeaker toy
squeaky and he goes get it! He said no way tonight!
My hearing dog , which is a Standard Poodle hate thunder and lighting ! We just had a big storm and he was barking the whole time! Does any one have a dog like this? If you do how do you get he/her to stop barking? I am worried my neighbors will start complaining if my dog does this in the middle of the night! We had on big storm at night and I woke up at 5:30 AM to find my dog safe and sounded , he was wrapped around my head!

I was told this was too short and had write more so that is why I have two posts up! I thought the first one did not work!
Last night we had a big thunderstorm. I took my dog outside for her to do her business. At first, she seemed afraid, I picked her up and put her on the ground in the rain, but she ran back on the porch. It took her like three minutes to give in and go out on the ground to do her business.

My grandparents used to have an American White Shepherd dog, he was soo scared whenever it was lightning/thundering. He would break in my grandfather's day-sleeping quarter just to get away from the lightnings. My grandparents had to replace the windows several times. :lol:
I never hear storms, and neither of my dogs ever act afraid that I can see. I think maybe the dog responds to your fear even if it is subconscious.
I don't really know what you can do. I had a roommate who has 2 dogs. One is extremely scared of the sound of thunder, while the other isn't.

So, if I find him curled up under my legs and shaking... I know there's thunder outside. :roll:
We have 3 dogs. 1 is really scared of storms and fireworks, she would jump into the bathtub and stay there, but come out to check on us to make sure we are ok then go back and jump back in the tub. She had been doing this ever since she was a pup.

The other one is a little nervous, but not that afraid, she would lay down under the computer desk when someone is on the computer, or be close to people.

The third dog, doesn't give a damn about the storm.

The thing is. dogs react differently because of how they got treated.

When Elsa, the first dog was little, she got startled by the sound of fireworks and storm, and we would soothe her, pet her, say it alright and everything, so now she thinks that its the right way to respond to the storm. Another factor is the breed of the dogs too I believe some dog breed are not as sensitive as others or nerve-whacking as other dogs.

The second dog, Angel, she learned the behaviour from Elsa who is 11, Angel is 3, so Angel sees Elsa act like this and she thinks that something is terribly wrong so she gets a little nervous.

The third dog, he is 8, but we didn't get him til this year, so he did not learn any behaviour from our other two dogs, and the fact that he was left outside in the storm by his previous owners (he was left outside 24/7 til my aunt got him and then he was indoor dog), but that plays a factor over his nerves over the storm, he doesn't care about the storm or fireworks unlike the other two dogs.

So many things play a factor for different dogs, whether it's learned behaviour, breed traits, bad experience or good experience.

We treat our dogs like nothing is going on, what we treat them daily is what we treat them when there is a storm, so they don't think it's a big deal. But it's too late for Elsa as she is terrified lol. We do soothe her and try to make her feel a lil better.

I had tried sounds on cd for her, but it doesn't work, she knows the difference between real storm and fake storm lol. She can also feel it, as she has bad hip, so we imagine the storm impact her him like my father who has RA.

I don't have any advices of how to calm a dog, perhaps take them outside, let them see there is nothing wrong, just rainy and sounds. Or try the cd thing it might work on some dogs, or if they are really young like puppy, don't react at all just act like nothing happen. Dont even get excited about the storm. When Elsa was a pup, I was 12, and I get really excited with the storm lol.

That all I can say.
I never hear storms, and neither of my dogs ever act afraid that I can see. I think maybe the dog responds to your fear even if it is subconscious.

We had a huge storm one night and there was very loud thunder ! I slept right throught the whole storm ! People told me the thunder woke them up!

My dog got so afraid he wrapped himself around my head! I woke up at 5:30 AM as I could not move my head ! I was weaing my dog at as hat in my sleep! I do not get afraid of storms, I can sit down and watch TV during a storm. When I was a teenager I use to go the beach with a friend of mine so we could watch the huge wave in the lighting and all! And the last storm we had I took a shower during it and most people will not go near water during a bad storm! I did take dog to the broadwalk
tonight so we could cool down! He got uptight and started panting like mad!
The sky was getting very black ,so I knew storm was coming from the way my dog was acting and the sky! My dog was right, the rain came down on our way home! I am glad I listen to my dog that time as my HA would had gotten too wet to work! So this time it was helpful that my dog is a big baby!
We have 3 dogs. 1 is really scared of storms and fireworks, she would jump into the bathtub and stay there, but come out to check on us to make sure we are ok then go back and jump back in the tub. She had been doing this ever since she was a pup.

The other one is a little nervous, but not that afraid, she would lay down under the computer desk when someone is on the computer, or be close to people.

The third dog, doesn't give a damn about the storm.

The thing is. dogs react differently because of how they got treated.

When Elsa, the first dog was little, she got startled by the sound of fireworks and storm, and we would soothe her, pet her, say it alright and everything, so now she thinks that its the right way to respond to the storm. Another factor is the breed of the dogs too I believe some dog breed are not as sensitive as others or nerve-whacking as other dogs.

The second dog, Angel, she learned the behaviour from Elsa who is 11, Angel is 3, so Angel sees Elsa act like this and she thinks that something is terribly wrong so she gets a little nervous.

The third dog, he is 8, but we didn't get him til this year, so he did not learn any behaviour from our other two dogs, and the fact that he was left outside in the storm by his previous owners (he was left outside 24/7 til my aunt got him and then he was indoor dog), but that plays a factor over his nerves over the storm, he doesn't care about the storm or fireworks unlike the other two dogs.

So many things play a factor for different dogs, whether it's learned behaviour, breed traits, bad experience or good experience.

We treat our dogs like nothing is going on, what we treat them daily is what we treat them when there is a storm, so they don't think it's a big deal. But it's too late for Elsa as she is terrified lol. We do soothe her and try to make her feel a lil better.

I had tried sounds on cd for her, but it doesn't work, she knows the difference between real storm and fake storm lol. She can also feel it, as she has bad hip, so we imagine the storm impact her him like my father who has RA.

I don't have any advices of how to calm a dog, perhaps take them outside, let them see there is nothing wrong, just rainy and sounds. Or try the cd thing it might work on some dogs, or if they are really young like puppy, don't react at all just act like nothing happen. Dont even get excited about the storm. When Elsa was a pup, I was 12, and I get really excited with the storm lol.

That all I can say.

My dog has a bad hip too I know he can feel the storm as he get nervous,
long before I know we're having a storm! He started panting a lot and I think
he has to poop so I take him and the poor dog is trying to tell me he does not want to go out! I end up taking him 3x thinking he has to poop really