Dog walk


New Member
Jul 5, 2010
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When you take your dog for a walk, do many people stop you to ask you about your dog?
yes - with the Rotties. If they are brave enough <because of their own misperceptions> to venture close to ask. On the other hand, I've had people yell across the street.
Oops! I put this in the wrong forum. No wonder I couldn't find it all this time! Alot of people stop me to ask me how old my dog is. Also alot of people back off when they see my dog too because they see he is a male and is quite large and 90 percent white. I live in a city where alot of people have a pitbull. Not many people are willing to raise a male pitbull. Marley is most likely an american pitbull and boxer pitbull mix. He is an aggressive puller and requires the use of pronged chocker. He is fixed now and is able to socialize with small children. I can't wait for him to turn 3 and mellow out.

How do I put up a picture of my dog in the picture/video forum? I did post in the help forum and someone posted, "I don't think you can post pictures." Really? Drop me some help hints, please. I'd like to see photos of your dogs too.
