Dog That Attacked Kids Must Die

There are actually people who have geese in their fenced in front yard as "watch dogs". Lol...

LOL,, come on over my place at my folks they got lots of geese about 100 of them through the summer and ducks and swans lol they can be meanie to some people but I got no problems with mine at my folks lol I have habit feeding my folks geese, ducks, swan, deers ects heee I am an animal lover heee,, oh we got bats, foxes, racoons, egrets, herons, opposems and rabbits, snakes, mices , and horses, cows and dolpins in the ocean heeee. :giggle:
Yeah, I've seen Great Danes around the Dog Show when I was used previously runs dog show and handler of bulldogs too. I'm no longer breeder of Bulldogs.. Tired of lifting Bulldog and have them bath.. LOL Worth it experience for me.. I love bulldogs mean all my heart.

I think Great Danes is the cute too.. but really huge dog!
I'm afraid if Great Danes might steal our foods and lazy steal our couch.. LOL
I know this dog is very good friendly but can be sometimes meanie.. I have to take huge responsibility trained this dog.. if we have those dog.. but don't know predicts our future what the stored for us..

btw, back to the topic..
Yeah, I know not easy for everyone who have huge responsibility to take care their dogs and make sure that safety. If meanie dogs.. means must always have thick chain leash and make sure that dog stayed in the yard.. unless preference the owner must supervisored the dog.

I think it would be so way cool to have a Great Dane as a Hearing Dog for myself. I know it would alert me, but would also scare the crap out of anyone who even looks like they're bad! :giggle: But, gee, I think the dog would eat like a horse!