Dog Performs 'Heimlich' on Choking Owner


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Jun 27, 2004
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got this from my bf via email!!! isn't this amazing!??? :-o it got tears streaming down my cheeks! :D

Be kind to a golden retriever and you'll retrieve its help. :)

Dog Performs 'Heimlich' on Choking Owner

By Associated Press

March 27, 2007, 1:44 PM CDT

CALVERT, Md. -- Toby, a 2-year-old golden retriever, saw his owner choking on a piece of fruit and began jumping up and down on the woman's chest. The dog's owner believes the dog was trying to perform the Heimlich maneuver and saved her life.

Debbie Parkhurst, 45, of Calvert told the Cecil Whig she was eating an apple at her home Friday when a piece lodged in her throat. She attempted to perform the Heimlich maneuver on herself but it didn't work. After she began beating on her chest, she said Toby noticed and got involved.

"The next think I know, Toby's up on his hind feet and he's got his front paws on my shoulders," she recalled. "He pushed me to the ground, and once I was on my back, he began jumping up and down on my chest."

That's when the apple dislodged and Toby started licking her face to keep her from passing out, she said.

"I literally have pawprint-shaped bruises on my chest. I'm still a little hoarse, but otherwise, I'm OK," Parkhurst said.

"The doctor said I probably wouldnt be here without Toby," said Parkhurst, a jewelry artist. "I keep looking at him and saying 'Youre amazing.'"


Information from: Cecil (Md.) Whig,
Copyright (c) 2007, The Associated Press
i did check that out and I was not sure if that is real or not since there is no link in ur post....sorry had to be sure! But gosh!! That is awesome!!

Here it is: Dog performs..
Wow!! Ive been watching a show on Animal Planet which shows different pets saving their owner's lives. Animals do know when something is wrong and try to help in any way they can. Sometimes that tv show makes me cry.