Dog parents, how do you?...

For training, you'll probably need a high preference treat. Liver treats and cheese work for my dogs. Carrots not so much. lol
:)Sally your are quite correct

I use a variety of:
dehydrated meaty or fishy pieces, nitrite/'ate -free <"natural"> hot dogs, small bits of cheese or on occasion Orijen kibble <usually "cat" variety - pieces are smaller for more of a quick morsel and the protein content in "cat" is higher>Orijen the only kibble I use at all, and only for training once in a while.
Or for training other people's dogs.
and also Zuke's - they just came out with a rabbit one!, or Stella and Chewy's....
My dogs love cat kibble, especially the fish kind. It's just high in calories and I'm watching their girly figures. :D:wave:
:D yes, my girls love fish, when I have sardines the kitchen gets very crowded:lol:
sometimes I do share the sardines; the dogs eat a lot of "human" food because I do whole, fresh foods for them.

it's good to be watching your dog's weight, I see so many fat dogs in classes or even at the shelter-
I get my dogs sardines, too. It's safer than manufactured dog treats. The problem is that I hate the smell! :barf:

When the dogs have been stuck in the house, a trip to the dog park usually does the trick as soon as it's pleasant enough. A dog's gotta run and sniff dog butts. lol
sally, yes.. true <sardines>

I enjoy watching other people's dogs at the dog park but have misgivings in general about them and specifically the ones I've seen around here.
The average "general public" person going to the dog park has little to no knowledge of dog body language/behavior/communication and so - even if my dogs were "dog-park appropriate" <they're not; bigger Rottie is dog-reactive with leashed dogs and prey-drive-y with little dogs. Kaylee the baby technically has a temperament fault of shyness for the breed - shy of men and not as confident as the breed should be>.....
so the combination of that, and the fact that regardless of what would actually be true, if some misunderstanding or incident were to happen, MY dogs would be blamed due to breed bias, AND the misinformation or lack of info. general public has on dogs - I avoid the dog park.

also, in general, there are many dogs at dog parks who actually are not enjoying it and should not be there. But the handler just tosses them in there and goes and talks on the phone or reads a book or something
My only problem with the dog park is when an owner brings a little dog into the fenced big dog area. I once witnessed a poor little dog terrified by a much larger dog. The small dog was not injured, fortunately, but the owners should have known better. The owner took the poor dog out of that area.

The expression of abby's dog makes me want to snuggle that cute face.
Aw, thanks! She is a snuggle buddy, knows when to dial down her energy and cuddle with me.

I don't use our local dog park either. (I apologize, dogmom) I have a dog bias against the rising number of pitbulls in the area. Around here, pitbull owners are mostly thug wannabees, and I don't believe they really train and take care of their "accessories." Dog-fighting is prolific in Detroit, so I have no way of knowing if the pit in the park is well-trained or a killing machine - can't chance my dog's welfare on that. The owners are to blame, not the breed.
:wave: sally and Abby

we've had some discussions about pitties on here, Abby, in which I did participate if you ever have the time or inclination to find them.
thanks for apology there, I know many people who love dogs but are afraid of or don't like Pitties. I work with lots of wonderful Pitties in the shelter and in rescue and you are right in that many people have them for the wrong reasons and also many people simply are not qualified to have a Pit Bull - or a Rottie, to be honest. These types of dogs undergo extra scrutiny and many insurances etc won't cover an individual with either of these dogs - ours is one of the few I've found that will. Rotts and Pits really need a highly dog-experienced owner or guardian, and they ideally should be breed ambassadors. There's simply a lot of extra work that can go into having a breed or type in which these kinds of issues are present...another reason why I don't go to dog parks - I don't want to have Jane Q. Public see my very sweet but dog-reactive Rottie going off at the end of the leash, it's part of my responsibility of having this breed of dog.

That all there, Pit Bulls as a group <there are individuals, of course> tend to be very kind-hearted, gregarious, trusting dogs with PEOPLE and most of the ones I've come across in the dog parks fit that description. As a group, they tend to be EXTREMELY tolerant of mistakes people make with dogs <unlike Rotties which have a different temperament altogether> because of their history as fighting dogs.
Pits are not by default killing machines but they are powerful with the tenacity of any Terrier.

your girlie does look VERY sweet and cuddly, Abby:)

sally, your dog park story is very common...many more dog parks have separate areas for small and bigger dogs now and if I had different dogs, that would be one thing I 'd look for if investigating the possibility of using a dog park.

I'm intrigued by the treadmill idea and the place where I get some of my agility stuff does offer a canine treadmill, different sizes. We don't really have any more space for big dog stuff in that larger "dog room" I've been describing in this thread and we'd need the biggest treadmill.

Well, maybe the Kongs for Findlay too?

Finlay is gone I have a dog named Marty now. I miss Finlay like hell!

I'm intrigued by the treadmill idea and the place where I get some of my agility stuff does offer a canine treadmill, different sizes. We don't really have any more space for big dog stuff in that larger "dog room" I've been describing in this thread and we'd need the biggest treadmill.

Well, maybe the Kongs for Findlay too?

I wish I had room for a small treadmill so Marty could work off some energy! He loved to dig so when we do get some snow I will let him dig in snow,.