Does anyone like to Crochet??



Does anyone like to crochet? Would like to share crochet pattern. Do you have idea ?? I would share my crochet pattern with you.:)
I used to crochet years ago, last time I was making dishcloth out of crochet. It was fun while it lasted. :)
I wish I could find free time to learn how
to do the crochet, knit and Quilt stuff

I learned how to sew a vest with skirt,
dress etc when I was a little girl... but
I have NOT sew anything for years Sigh !!!
Does anyone like to crochet? Would like to share crochet pattern. Do you have idea ?? I would share my crochet pattern with you.:)

Hi, I love do crochet!!!!!! I wish i can share my pattern with you but alldeaf wont let me put pic in their website. werid.
Reba, thanks for posting me. Its had been while. So, I like to continues to talk about it.

ghsh1996, I see you love to crochet. Just don't give up. I have been doing crochet for 5 yrs. I am still doing it. I can share with you. You don't need pics to share. You can write explain or I can give you websites for crochet pattern central.
My daughter is 4 yrs old, she loves to watch me while I'm crocheting. She always say make me a blanket! So I did make it for her. I will teach her when she is older enough. Just keep it up. Find your time and learn to crochet. I know you can do it.:)
ghsh1996, I see you love to crochet. Just don't give up. I have been doing crochet for 5 yrs. I am still doing it. I can share with you. You don't need pics to share. You can write explain or I can give you websites for crochet pattern central.
My daughter is 4 yrs old, she loves to watch me while I'm crocheting. She always say make me a blanket! So I did make it for her. I will teach her when she is older enough. Just keep it up. Find your time and learn to crochet. I know you can do it.:)

Great, I will never give up on crochets. you can give me your website for crochet?
I aint good at this and I am not into with kitting (spelling) blah lol cause I hate it lol :lol:
i used to do crochet but now i have arthiritis and cts so i cant do this like in the past. painful to do this! :(
I'm currently doing this afghan:
WOW neecy ! I like that. Maybe I would try it. After I finish my pinwheel star blanket for my daughter christmas present. I love make baby afghan. I do make hat, poncho,baby booties and glove. Sometime I make dishcloths. My grandmother always make dichcloth for all my family everyyear christmas. She does knitting most of time. She still doing it for long time. I'm wondering what kind of wool or yarn in that picture of afghan ? What is name of brand of yarn?

Deaf Monkey can you do crochet?? Don't give up. Just try it. Knitting can be hard. I did do knitting for little while, but I like crochet mostly. It is my favorite hobbies. I like to make new idea. I do make baby afghan for baby shower.
I'm just using Red Heart baby yarn in blue, pink, yellow, and green.

If you would like to try the pattern, here it is:

Baby Rings

Materials: Worsted-weight yarn 14 ozs white, 6 ozs varigated, pick out a solid
color to match each color in the varigated, you will need 4 1/2 0zs each of
5 colors; tapestry needle; G hook or hook needed to obtain gauge.

Gauge: 4dc=1"; dc is 3/4" tall; panel is 4 1/2" wide.

Panel(make 7)
Center (make 30 rings)
First ring: With first solid color, ch 14, sl st in ch to form ring, ch 2,
work 28 hdc in ring, join with sl st in top of first hdc. fasten off.
Second ring: With second solid color, ch 14, with right side of sts on ring
facing you, thread end of ch 14 through first ring, join with sl st in first
ch (to form second ring), ch 2 work 28 hdc in ring join with sl st in top of
first hdc. fasten off.
Remaining rings: Using each of remaining solid colors, repeat second ring.Each
new ring is interlocked with the ring before it and always thread the ch 14
through ring in the same direction. When each of the colors have been used
start the color sequence over and repeat the sequence till all rings are made.

Rnd 1: Hold center with right side of work facing you and hide the joining
of each ring behind the next interlocking ring as you work; working in back
loops only with white yarn. join with sc in hdc on 2nd ring, ch 2 in next
dc in next 3 sts;*(working on next ring, dc in next 4 sts)down side to last
ring, dc in next 6 sts, 2 dc in next 6 sts, dc in next 6 sts: repeat from *,
join with sl st in top of ch 2. fasten off.

Rnd 2: with varigated yarn, join with sc in first ston rnd 1, ch 3, dc
in side of sc just made, sk next 2 dc,*(sc in next dc, ch 3, dc in side of
sc just made, skip next 2 sts)down side; in 6 end sts work (sc in next dc,
ch 3,dc in side of sc, sk 1 dc) 3 times, repeat from *,(sc in next dc, ch 3
dc in side of sc just made skip next 2 sts) across to beginning join with sl
st in first sc. fasten off.

Rnd 3: With white yarn, join with sc in first sc on last rnd, ch 2, 2 dc in
same st, work 3 dc in each sc around with 4 dc in each of the 4 sc at
center of each end, join with sl st in first sc.fasten off.

Assembly: leaving 21 sts around each end free whipstitch edges of panels
together through back loops of sts only.
Yeah, I have everything to set ! But, one thing- I dont know how to do ! Lol- I need to someone teach me how to crochet.

Thanks for link here. I email to my mom. She love it soo much. I not crazy over it here. I was younger girl. I use it but I gave up.