Do you sleep with your hearing aids/ci on?

I take my implant off at night.. After wearing it all day my ear gets sore from it hanging back there. Im just not used to it and the surgery is still somewhat new,I enjoy my silcent world just as much as I do my hearing world. So its never a bother!
No, even lying down with them in makes them press against my head and it hurts my ears.
Always take my HA's out when I go to sleep, its the only chance my ears get to breathe! Think they would buzz if I was to turn on my side, and be uncomfortable. My husband always hears the kids, and then manages to let me know......., and have a vibrating pad smoke alarm under my pillow so alls covered. xx
Hi. :)
I wear 2 Phonak Naida V UPs hearing aids and have fallen asleep a few times with them in. My ears hurt after that. I take them out at night and place them in the drying jar over night. There has been a few times, where I will wake up with them in, even though I do not remember putting them in. Very odd.
If I have an appointment or need to wake up at a certain time, then I leave them in so that I can hear my talking alarm clock. It is set to the loudest volume as well. There are other times, when my tinnitus is acting up so badly, that I will put my hearing aids on "t" so that the sound of the interference that the T-coil picks up is loud enough to cancel out my tinnitus 100%. I can sleep so much better when I take a short nap. I also use the "t" setting if I want to turn my hearing aids "off" without having to take the batteries out or if I want to take them out for a short time without having to open the battery up.
I too was allowed to wear my hearing aids during surgery. I am glad that they let me wear them, so that I could hear what they were saying to me. I woke up after surgery and forgot they were in my ears. lol
I took them out later that day to sleep off some of the anesthesia.
It is a strange experience to hear all the noises of the operating room and the machines beeping and alarms going off all the time. I woke up to hear my heart monitor, EKG machine beeping and it was so annoying. I was not thrilled about hearing that thing. My hearing was much better back then. I dont know if I could hear one of those machines now though.

When the surgeon made me leave my hearing aid on in the operating room. I went out like the light. I never heard any sounds at all. I was totally deaf all through the procedure. Even in the recovering room and the hospital room, I never heard any sounds at all until I woke up. I only heard noises making around the room and the ward not very clearly. I was very alone with no ASL interpreter or anyone to sign with me. I think I was not allowed to have T.V. to watch with close caption. I don't know why was that? Maybe the T.V. probably don't have caption on it. :dunno:
It is funny , when I am dreaming I have no trouble hearing without my HA,. but I do have trouble hearing if I am not wearing HA when I am awake.
I do not need to wear my HA to hear when I am dreaming.
We always take Tyler's ha's off before bed.

Occasionally he has fallen asleep with them on in the car... but not very often and not very sound.
I only take my CIs off and put them in an anti-static PC part baggie when I sleep. Before that, they may be on if I'm watching a movie, or listening to music or YouTube, or off if I'm reading or studying. When they're off, especially if I'm wearing a hoodie or a hat, I often fall asleep with them on my head, and the hat keeps them from falling off and breaking apart as I move in my sleep.

When I shared a bed with my last partner, I'd keep them turned on so I could hear what she said until I fell asleep. It just meant I'd wake up often from random noises. She has difficulty sleeping, so it often meant sleeping with a light, radio or TV on. I got used to it quickly.