Do you like Seinfeld?


New Member
Feb 27, 2003
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I do! I'm a big fan of that show, I still watch it every reruns and it never bores me. It always brighten up my day! :mrgreen:
I am already bore with Seinfeld. :o

I finally seen it whole shows. Thank to rerun.
Yeah, Seinfield is :thumb: I watch it once in a while whenever I catch them on tv.
Not really. No offense, but the first time I tried to watch it, I thought it was whack. :ugh:
Originally posted by e
I do! I'm a big fan of that show, I still watch it every reruns and it never bores me. It always brighten up my day! :mrgreen:
fuckin agreed!
sometime i did watch it.. it's ok but only one is man who's had long curly brown hair, you know what i mean and i forgot what's his name. it's make me funny
I love the show. No matter how many times I've seen it, I still enjoy it.
IT my favorite show to cheer me up when I got mad to not able slove the problem with the math homework ;)
Originally posted by LeviathanC
I don't like that show.

First, Friends, now this? What's wrong with this show now? Don't tell me that you hate all shows as well!
Originally posted by VamPyroX
First, Friends, now this? What's wrong with this show now? Don't tell me that you hate all shows as well!

Got a problem with me dislike the tv shows? I have my own tastes. You have your own taste.
um guys .... i'm starting to see a small "flame" flicker ..... everyone's entitled to their opinions :-X