do you have any favorite book(s)


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Sep 7, 2005
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my favorite books are

les miserables- victor hugo

the client- john grisham

sleepers- lorenzo carcatera... that was the saddest book i was warned not to read it ,but i listen no.. there times when i thought wouldn't be able to finish it but i did.

if i die before i shall wake- hans nolan ... i forgot the title .. its something like that

the neverending story- forgot who wrote it

fallen angels- walter dean meyers

the chronicles of narnia - c.s. lewis

harold and the purple crayon ... best book ever
I like any Danielle Steele book.. but haven't read one in a lonnngggg time.. I need to go back and read again!!!
i love all harry potter books AND Danielle steel books but i now am reading Masked Benvolence by harlan lane and Eddie would go a autobiograhy of the greatest hawaiian sufer that created surfing in hawaii :)
City of Dreams

I am reading Harry Potter for the first time.. interesting... movie did leave out some stuff.
"Where the Red Fern Grows"

My english teacher cried when we got to the front of the whole class lol!
My favorite book is "Son of a Preacher Man" by Jat Bakker. This is the book that helped to change my whole view on religion.
i read some of books

i like fictions even books on ghosts

my favorite is one night by debbie macomber
I've read novels by my fave authors:

Dan Brown
John Grisham
Tom Clancy
Harry Turtledove
Eric Flint and David Weber
Michael Crichton
John Jakes

Right now I'm reading "The Godfather Returns", by Mark Winegardner, who was chosen by the Mario Puzo estate, as a sequel to Puzo's original "The Godfather" novel. Personally, I'd rather read the original "The Godfather" after all Puzo is the master of Mafia novels. I'm reading 'em in preparation for the new xbox game version of "The Godfather" coming out in 2K6.

Before I tackled "The Godfather Returns", I read "Solomon vs. Lord" a very funny lawyer novel by Paul Levine. It has to be the funniest lawyer novel I ever read. Grisham cannot even come so close than that to be funny enough.
Harry Potter books, the Cirque Du Freak series (by Darren Shan), Neverending Story, The Journal of Eleanor Druse (the TV show Kingdom Hospital is based on it)... I like books about the paranormal/unusual stuff.

I just read "When the Telephone Rings, My Bed Shakes" and I enjoyed it. It's about a deaf doctor.
I love to read Harry Potter, Star Wars series, Dark Series (Vampire Romance), DragonLance series, Death Cycle series and many others. I like to read romance, science fiction, fanasty and true stories.

Actually, im reading a story 'First They Killed My Father' by Loung Ung. It's true story that is so brillant and made me crying several times.
several actually,

World War:Colonization series by Harry Turtledove
The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
Tao Te Ching by Lu Tzu
Diet for a new America by John Robbins
The Simple Living Guide by Janet Luhrs
Oh, yes, I read "When the Telephone Rings, My Bed Shakes" several years was very good. In fact, I met the deaf doctor myself. :)

I enjoy true stories about ghosts, heh. (Never really like fictions about ghosts, though...)

And Harry Potter books too! :D

My personal favorites, however, is "Random Acts of Kindness" series.
Despite my halfway decent English skills, I rarely read books, preferring the boob tube! From what I've remembered liking, my favorite book list would be something like this:
* Foundation series and I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
* The Raven, Purloined Letter, Hop Frog and other shorts by Poe.
* Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County and Huck Finn by Twain.
* Metamorphosis and the Penal Colony by Kafka

I know they're all old stories! I mostly read comic books, preferring that medium. But, even I eventually 'outgrew' comics ten years ago. Nowadays, I just read when I have to, i.e., to study for a professional exam or whatnot.
I love the Neverending Story....also Chronicals of Narnia and Lord of the RIngs....Yes, I'm a fanasty geek...
I love true crime....True crime books rawk! Also Stephen King books, To Kill a Mockingbird and Tree Grows in Brooklyn.