Do you believe this site ??


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May 20, 2003
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I will be die February 2034 :squint: I wonder, what would the society be look like in year of 2034 ??

Will I ride on flying car ?
Oh man! I do not feel comfortable to find out about mine. I rather be surprised or unexpectedly whenever it happens to me. Let it be! don't want to think about the date all the time while i can live on the earth.. No thanks.. yes its tempting. I dont believe this site also. BUT The temption can't resist.
Frisky Feline said:
Oh man! I do not feel comfortable to find out about mine. I rather be surprised or unexpectedly whenever it happens to me. Let it be! don't want to think about the date all the time while i can live on the earth.. No thanks.. yes its tempting. I dont believe this site also. BUT The temption can't resist.

You may find out that you would be alive until year of 3004. ;)
I'm gonna die on July 22, 2040! Hmm... I'll die at the age of 64! ;)
VamPyroX said:
I'm gonna die on July 22, 2040! Hmm... I'll die at the age of 64! ;)

*sigh* Pat on your shoulder! Tell Cheri, to make sure not give you too excitement in your sexually to get an erection! :hitit:

Cautioned, she is hottest!
Tuesday, August 12, 2059. Am I going to die? NO! I will do to still alive! Hehe..
Thursday, June 23, 2050 interesting but am not believing in this anyway because you can die instantly than according to the date anyway such as car accident or hit by drunk driver.
This is old news.. prevouis other thread somewhere in the archives..

I'd rather not take this deathlock.. *phew* just "fake". *ahem*
Yeah u right! was here before and i dont care for it as it
is not true about the date of our deaths..only God knows when we will
but of course, it is just for fun so if others enjoy this then go ahead and
have fun... :thumb:
Sabrina said:
You may find out that you would be alive until year of 3004. ;)

eh! If its true i will be 134.. No thanks! I rather be joining with my DEAR friends and family whoever are dead first then i go with them. I can't image how lonely if i were 100 then i would be stuck and do nothing but stare at people. UGH!

Silly me!
Jan. 7, 2048 here. It all depends on health, if eat and drink right, how much excercise, family health history and if accident or not. Also depend on mental health...if think positive, calm, happy :) and enjoy life, will live longer. I don't fear death because I know I will be with Jesus when I do. But I would love to live as long as I can to enjoy my family and grandchildren. smile!
I've seen this thread somewhere here in AD, and I don't believe in this at all....
I agree with you, Angel. I don't believe that I will die on Jan 7, 2048 just because that website figured it out. There are lots of factors that can cause death before or after that. No one really knows when I will die except God.
Just for fun: Wednesday, January 26, 2056 I'll be ordinary man dying at age of 73 years old... Probably I'll die from frightening of new Tecnology! :laugh2:
Oh my, if this is to be believed I'll be deceased on Wednesday 16th April 2059.

Which will be when I'm 76. Nah, I intend to live to 80's. ;)
Saturday, September 27, 2064 at the ripe old age of 79!!!!