Do you aim with one eye or both?


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Before you can become an accomplished shooter you have to know which eye is the dominate one. You may naturally assume that if you are right handed then your right eye is the dominate one; this may not be the case however. If you are right handed but left eye dominate then this is called cross dominance and you may not even be aware of it. . .

Keeping both eyes open when shooting gives you better peripheral vision. . .

If You Can Shoot with Both Eyes Open Then You can Shoot with Either Hand. . .

The rest of the story:

Learn to shoot eyes open
Keep both eyes closed when shooting. Keeps you from getting double vision. lol
Interesting and true about the cross dominance. I am aware of it because for years I had strabismus (repaired in my late 20s)- severe. So I always 'switched' eyes- just natural to me and didn't realize it until somebody told me. My left eye is a lot stronger than my right eye is (and I am right handed) and I still 'switch' even though the surgery was a success muscle wise. Same with my ears- left ear is slightly better than right but oddly enough I used to use my right ear for phone.

What drives me nuts though is healing lol- the right side is slow and has problems- the left- no problem quick healing.

Wonder how I'd do with shooting...:hmm:
I'm a certified firearms instructor. The only time cross dominance becomes an issue is when you shoot a rifle. If you shoot right-handed and are left eye dominant you have to hang your head over the rifle. Otherwise, I try to keep both eyes open. Gives you the best peripheral vision, especially in a self-defense situation. Be safe.
Interesting and true about the cross dominance. I am aware of it because for years I had strabismus (repaired in my late 20s)- severe. So I always 'switched' eyes- just natural to me and didn't realize it until somebody told me. My left eye is a lot stronger than my right eye is (and I am right handed) and I still 'switch' even though the surgery was a success muscle wise. Same with my ears- left ear is slightly better than right but oddly enough I used to use my right ear for phone.

What drives me nuts though is healing lol- the right side is slow and has problems- the left- no problem quick healing.

Wonder how I'd do with shooting...:hmm:

I got have that soon same thing I cacing myself half op under anesthetic last bit awake no terp unable lip trying get signer who prepared look eye surgery stand next to Surgen .Surgen say first for him he can't take mask off and terp at end of op table no good...I righted handed but left eyed.What do you remember of your op.terp no good other side of op table either Surgen don't want anyone standing next to him.
It can be difficult in uk get signer for this sort of thing never done it before hubby usually do all this stuff but say not face looking at eye surgery..looking at eye surgery not for going do best help they can get terps who often don't turn up.i will have keep eyes focus on one thing I getting very worried.Getting terp for before and after no problems
I'm a certified firearms instructor. . .
Good! I have some questions for you.

In order to not hijack my own thread, I'll start a new one. Please watch for it. :)
I can't recall who but I remember showing someone how to shoot a rifle who turned out to be left eyed and right handed. I am right eyed and right handed but left eared and left footed so I ride goofy foot.
I'm right handed, left eye dominant. I wish like anything that I could keep both eyes open but clearly, that's the eternal goal to work toward.

I'm right handed, left eye dominant. I wish like anything that I could keep both eyes open but clearly, that's the eternal goal to work toward.


Shooting isosceles I wouldn't think it would matter much? Shooting weaver or a rifle I can see where it would be a pain. I read an artical by a guy who said he learned to shoot rifle left handed because of it.
Shooting isosceles I wouldn't think it would matter much? Shooting weaver or a rifle I can see where it would be a pain. I read an artical by a guy who said he learned to shoot rifle left handed because of it.

Oh boy...I have a feeling this is going to be an issue for me, I have four long guns to date, all right handed....
i think I'm an ambidexterity. I can use left, right, or both eyes open when I using scope before I shoot target.
I am right handed, but I bow hunt left handed because my left eye is better. It definitely causes some problems because my left arm gets fatigued fast (or it use to anyway, not so much anymore.)
I tried with both eyes open today, and noticed my whole group shift left on the target. It was real hard for me to see the sights--very blurry with no contrast. I don't know if this will work for me.

Normally I shoot while wearing non-prescription eye protection (I wear glasses for reading). I don't know if that would make a difference. Maybe I'll try wearing prescription glasses next time.
Reba, I aim with both eyes.
You only look at the front sight!!!!
the rear sights and target will be somewhat blurred ( normal)
just get the front site on target and look at the spaces on each side of the front sight compared to the rear sight, when even and level, squeeze... perfect groups every time.... Takes time to get used to the blurr but its all 100% normal.
I tried with both eyes open today, and noticed my whole group shift left on the target. It was real hard for me to see the sights--very blurry with no contrast. I don't know if this will work for me.

Normally I shoot while wearing non-prescription eye protection (I wear glasses for reading). I don't know if that would make a difference. Maybe I'll try wearing prescription glasses next time.
yes, if your vision is blurred due to your glasses ( near sighted) hen yes, get some shatterproof scripts to wear to the range. That can help you a lot.
Reba, I aim with both eyes.
You only look at the front sight!!!!
the rear sights and target will be somewhat blurred ( normal)
just get the front site on target and look at the spaces on each side of the front sight compared to the rear sight, when even and level, squeeze... perfect groups every time.... Takes time to get used to the blurr but its all 100% normal.
I'll try again. It was more than a blur--it was more like a fuzzy black blob.
yes, if your vision is blurred due to your glasses ( near sighted) hen yes, get some shatterproof scripts to wear to the range. That can help you a lot.
I'm not near-sighted. I had laser surgery for that years ago. I can see fine at a distance; I can't see well close-up.
I'm not near-sighted. I had laser surgery for that years ago. I can see fine at a distance; I can't see well close-up.
sorry, I got near and far sighted mixed up... glasses will help