Disrespectful or not?

I would not have wanted to post something like that for a family member or someone else. I would probably be upset if someone posted this about me on facebook.

My Grandma recently sold her house last year. She felt that it was the best course to move in a retirement home. I did not post it on facebook. I may have posted once about how I felt about house being sold, but I didn't post anything about her health.

It does not matter if a person discuss health concerns or not. I would never post that a friend or a family member was in bad health without their consents.

PLUS, do people realize that if people are in bad health, they would tell other people themselves about that? No need to use facebook for that.

PLUS, remember that our older generations didn't grow up with facebook so they would probably not appreciate facebook being used as platform for issue like this.
I would not have wanted to post something like that for a family member or someone else. I would probably be upset if someone posted this about me on facebook.

My Grandma recently sold her house last year. She felt that it was the best course to move in a retirement home. I did not post it on facebook. I may have posted once about how I felt about house being sold, but I didn't post anything about her health.

It does not matter if a person discuss health concerns or not. I would never post that a friend or a family member was in bad health without their consents.

PLUS, do people realize that if people are in bad health, they would tell other people themselves about that? No need to use facebook for that.

PLUS, remember that our older generations didn't grow up with facebook so they would probably not appreciate facebook being used as platform for issue like this.

That is very true, I have older neighbors that do not even have a computer.
Big rule of thumb for fb, you post about your business, not others people's business. And always remember its a public forum. I have a friend that was whining on her status, she posted something about someone, and it got back to said someone. She was all "I thought fb was supposed to be private?" What?? It's not your diary!!! People are weird, that's just how it is. I saw a post on fb this morning from one my soon to be ex husbands aunt (god I got to unfriend all of his extended family) it said something like "Martha was found dead in her bed this morning, they think maybe a heart attack" omg!!!!! That's like, personal phone call material.

Yes you SIL was disrespectful. But from some of your posts, are you surprised?
ncff07 I am really sorry about your Dad. hugs your way

Rio thanks so much for your kind words! Just focus on your Dad and your time with him. And do whatever you can do that is legal to stay calm. I think I watched Sound of Music 10 times. Glad you have the pets. They are great listeners. Stay off fb and I wouldn't read any of her texts or e-mails if she sends you any. Big hugs! Seriously stay away from fb. For now, at least.
ncff07 I am really sorry about your Dad. hugs your way

Rio thanks so much for your kind words! Just focus on your Dad and your time with him. And do whatever you can do that is legal to stay calm. I think I watched Sound of Music 10 times. Glad you have the pets. They are great listeners. Stay off fb and I wouldn't read any of her texts or e-mails if she sends you any. Big hugs! Seriously stay away from fb. For now, at least.

You are welcome :hug: I will focus on my dad and other things. I blocked her on fb, some family members have her as a friend in fb and I found out from that. It's gossip that was uncalled for. I am staying away from her big time! I just wish my dad would open his eyes about this person.
Big rule of thumb for fb, you post about your business, not others people's business. And always remember its a public forum. I have a friend that was whining on her status, she posted something about someone, and it got back to said someone. She was all "I thought fb was supposed to be private?" What?? It's not your diary!!! People are weird, that's just how it is. I saw a post on fb this morning from one my soon to be ex husbands aunt (god I got to unfriend all of his extended family) it said something like "Martha was found dead in her bed this morning, they think maybe a heart attack" omg!!!!! That's like, personal phone call material.

Yes you SIL was disrespectful. But from some of your posts, are you surprised?

My mom said the same thing , how we shouldn't be surprised.
Soooo far over the line. Some people are just clueless and tactless
Maybe her mother never taught her basic personal skills.
You are welcome :hug: I will focus on my dad and other things. I blocked her on fb, some family members have her as a friend in fb and I found out from that. It's gossip that was uncalled for. I am staying away from her big time! I just wish my dad would open his eyes about this person.

This could come back to bite your SIL in her ass if she is trying to find a job.
Employers read FB too as they can find out a lot a person they're planning on hiring. People should really be careful about what the say on FB.
Wirelessly posted

whatdidyousay! said:
You are welcome :hug: I will focus on my dad and other things. I blocked her on fb, some family members have her as a friend in fb and I found out from that. It's gossip that was uncalled for. I am staying away from her big time! I just wish my dad would open his eyes about this person.

This could come back to bite your SIL in her ass if she is trying to find a job.
Employers read FB too as they can find out a lot a person they're planning on hiring. People should really be careful about what the say on FB.

Yes, I heard about that. Even if you delete a comment it still there for the government to see.

I need to be reassured what she did is disrespectful. Social medias have no boundaries what is appropriate and what is not.
Wirelessly posted

Yes, I heard about that. Even if you delete a comment it still there for the government to see.

I need to be reassured what she did is disrespectful. Social medias have no boundaries what is appropriate and what is not.

Not so much the "government" as potential employers who do research candidates over the internet to see what comes back. I think most people that post on FB say things that they wouldn't want to see come back and bite them....and it does sometimes. I don't have a FB or Twitter account myself, but I doubt I'm missing much.
Wirelessly posted

Lau2046 said:
Wirelessly posted

Yes, I heard about that. Even if you delete a comment it still there for the government to see.

I need to be reassured what she did is disrespectful. Social medias have no boundaries what is appropriate and what is not.

Not so much the "government" as potential employers who do research candidates over the internet to see what comes back. I think most people that post on FB say things that they wouldn't want to see come back and bite them....and it does sometimes. I don't have a FB or Twitter account myself, but I doubt I'm missing much.

What if your settings are private? The potential employer can't read your comments unless you add them as a friend.

If they see your profile pic , wouldn't be a quick to judgement of who are as a professional? Going off the topic here lol it ok
Wirelessly posted

BrittBritt said:
Soooo far over the line. Some people are just clueless and tactless
Maybe her mother never taught her basic personal skills.

I agree with you.
Your brother and sister in law live in your father's house, correct?

Maybe she is afraid of her coming homelessness, and reassuring herself that the sale is due to his health, and not that he is tired of people sponging off him.
Wirelessly posted

What if your settings are private? The potential employer can't read your comments unless you add them as a friend.

If they see your profile pic , wouldn't be a quick to judgement of who are as a professional? Going off the topic here lol it ok

That's what you need to do. The problem many people get into, and God knows why, is when they accept friend requests from coworkers, etc., and then it's really no longer private. If you do have FB, put restrictions all over it and only accept from people you know personally that have no ties to your job.
Wirelessly posted

Lau2046 said:
Wirelessly posted

What if your settings are private? The potential employer can't read your comments unless you add them as a friend.

If they see your profile pic , wouldn't be a quick to judgement of who are as a professional? Going off the topic here lol it ok

That's what you need to do. The problem many people get into, and God knows why, is when they accept friend requests from coworkers, etc., and then it's really no longer private. If you do have FB, put restrictions all over it and only accept from people you know personally that have no ties to your job.

Right , common sense thing. Having Co-workers that you really don't know well. I hear you .
Ah, the joy of Facebook.....a great communicating tool that is an awesome way of revealing peoples' true colors and intelligence (or lack of).
Wirelessly posted

I have many catoraties for family, class of 2005, wiccans, and etc. that is a way that i dont have to worry about posting something on fb.
Wirelessly posted

Yes, I heard about that. Even if you delete a comment it still there for the government to see.

I need to be reassured what she did is disrespectful. Social medias have no boundaries what is appropriate and what is not.

The polices check out FB as there are stupid criminals that like to brag on FB about a crime they committed. I sure am glad we did not have computers when I was a kid . My ex brother wife would had posted things about my dad.
The polices check out FB as there are stupid criminals that like to brag on FB about a crime they committed. I sure am glad we did not have computers when I was a kid . My ex brother wife would had posted things about my dad.

I agree, bec social medias have no limit what people say. Its crazy. I thinks it's disrespectful to write bad things about people, saying immature things , my bro is stupid , you get the idea. People on your friend list will talking bad about that person writing teenager stuff when your like an adult person over 30 or 40 years old. I know how you feel , people like that have no life!
will mom how feeling embarrassment, then will back to forgive to you. of course... easy to patient she doesn't know how feeling. it is difficult. my dad forgive me. and always sorry forgive already. my dad is very apologized tell me mistake. He learn lesson. He respect to due to happy for me. It is very important to forgive to people. it tell forgive or refuse to tell people hold suffer stubborn pain.