Different types of lies

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Eve said:
... What harm is it, for example, to pretend you like the gaudy doily your grandmother crocheted for you?
Just borrowing this hypothetical situation; hope you don't mind. :)

Personally, I wouldn't need to "pretend". If my grandmother made something special for me with her own hands, I would genuinely be pleased. So what if it is "gaudy". There are ways to be creative with decorating, or putting it in a shadow box vignette to turn a problem into a real plus. Using a lie is the easy lazy way out.
Liebling:-))) said:
My hubby started smoke when he was 13 years old with his cliques. .. After that happened, he LOST his trust to them.
Huh? Your hubby is the one who showed that HE couldn't be trusted because he was smoking.

Worst is they found porn magazines under my hubby's bed when he was 16 years old. .. They were mad when they found out that my hubby is liar and deny their words etc. Who's the fault????????????
Well, let's see. Hubby was the one who had the porn mags. Hubby was the one who lied. I would say, hubby was the one at fault.

MIL is stubborn and refuse to accept that she has pain with her breast. She told doctor that she is okay which it´s not true. She "lie" doctor for some reason is fear to face that she is sick. The situation goes worst so she faced the doctor the truth and then found out that she has bad cancer in her breast... her breast has to removed after keep herself for 6 months. Would we label her as "liar"? No, I would not label her "liar". She only do that out of fear to face that she is sick.
Yes, that is lying. I think this proves that lying is bad. Lying prevented your MIL from getting the immediate medical help that she needed.

A person, I can´t stand come around my house unexpectly. I refused to answer the door for him but let him think that I´m not in home.
No one is obligated to answer the door for someone who shows up unexpectedly. I don't know how you let him think that you are not home but it wasn't really necessary.

Of course I make an excuse sometimes why I can´t make up to avoid any problems from the people when I know they are too touchy & senstive.
Why make up an excuse? Just say, "I am sorry, I prefer not to discuss that topic." That is a polite answer, it is the truth, and it doesn't offend anyone.

Sometimes my children ask me to let their mates know that they are not in home for some reasons. I answered the door and told them that my children are not in home.
So you showed your children that lying is acceptable because Mommy does it. That is a wonderful example.

For me betrayal with lying is number one and terrible one to hurt friendship, partners, family etc.
Then why do you do it, especially in front of your children?
:gpost: Liza

Your score = 15

What does your score mean?

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth - that seems to be your motto. In most situations, you don't hesitate to tell it like it is, regardless of your impact on other people's feelings. Chances are you truly believe that honesty is the best policy - and in the majority of cases, you may be right. With regards to some more delicate areas, however, a white lie now and then may actually be the kind thing to do. What harm is it, for example, to pretend you like the gaudy doily your grandmother crocheted for you? Use your judgment to decide whether telling the truth is the right thing to do in different situations. And when you do choose to shoot from the hip, make sure you do it a gentle, sensitive way. People will be more likely to listen if you show respect for their feelings.
Oceanbreeze said:
There's a huge difference between children's lies and when adults lie. Small children don't really know the difference between fantasy and reality until they reach the age of five, so they have to be tought what is acceptable and what isn't. And, yes. Everyone here has lied at least once. However as one ages, it becomes unacceptable for the person to tell lies. Adults have no busy lying to other adults and children need to be tought that telling lies isn't good behavior.

As for what you said about white lies being acceptable, I don't see how you figure that. Maybe, because, most people get away with telling white lies. Just because someone gets away with it doesn't make it right.

No I see no comparsion on children and adult because they both are still the same.

Where is adult's lie habit comes from?

Out of habit. Those of us who got away with lying in childhood, most likely carried the habit into adulthood. Like any other destructive habit, lying is not easy to break, but necessary if one is serious about success. The first step is to realize how destructive lying is to one's reputation and success in life. Then, one must become consciously aware of when one is lying. Finally, and perhaps the most difficult of the steps, one must stop oneself as soon the lie begins to be told.
http://www.yeartosuccess.com/google.cgi?searchengine+form2+Never, Ever Lie.html

Small children don't really know the difference between fantasy and reality until they reach the age of five, so they have to be tought what is acceptable and what isn't.

Yes, the children like this under 6 years old which it's normal because they didn't know the difference between fantasy and reality. (depend on form of discplinie how to turn the children honestly or liar). It's parent's responsibly to teach their children why lies is no good.
Reba said:
Huh? Your hubby is the one who showed that HE couldn't be trusted because he was smoking.

Well, let's see. Hubby was the one who had the porn mags. Hubby was the one who lied. I would say, hubby was the one at fault.

Huh? Of course my hubby know he's wrong. His parents should explain him why he did wrong instead of scream on him in attack way. Their form of discplinie lead him into liar and neglect his trust on his parents. The parents are not suppose to spy hubby's privacy thing to find porn mags. It's not first time, they confronted my hubby - something like that they found new sweater in his cupboard and scream on him where it come from. My hubby was like :eek: and told them that the sweater, he got the gift from his Aunt. What his parents did is hurt my hubby's trust. They show no respect his privacy. I would not spy my children's privacy thing in their rooms but respect their privacy and would not scream my children because they did wrong but explain them in positive way.

Yes, that is lying. I think this proves that lying is bad. Lying prevented your MIL from getting the immediate medical help that she needed.

wow, you show no understand and respect for the people who are scared to face the truth. Yes, I know she's stubborn but I do not label her as liar because I know she is afraid to face the truth. We told her off because her healthy comes first than worry to face the truth about her healthy.

No one is obligated to answer the door for someone who shows up unexpectedly. I don't know how you let him think that you are not home but it wasn't really necessary.

I only give you the example what I did not answer the door to make them think I'm not in home.

Why make up an excuse? Just say, "I am sorry, I prefer not to discuss that topic." That is a polite answer, it is the truth, and it doesn't offend anyone.

I say again, I only give you an example what I did. Yes, I know what/how to say them in respectful way.
Like what I said to them, "Thank you for remind me but I can't make up today or Sorry I have no time for today, it'll be okay next time" - the reason I do that because I don't want them know the reason why I can't make up today. They respect me with no problem because they don't have to know why.
I has no problem to discuss with anyone because we are straightforward people.

So you showed your children that lying is acceptable because Mommy does it. That is a wonderful example.

Then why do you do it, especially in front of your children?

Huh? I respect their wish.

It doesn't mean that they continue to ask me to lie for them all the time. They do that very rarely. They knows I don't like lie for them. Rarely is okay, not all the time. I would get them to tell his friends themselves if they are not mood to go out if they continue to ask me ALL THE TIME which it's not acceptance. It's different story if they don't like their friends and don't want do anything with them. I protect my children if they don't want to see them. I answered for them and then talk to my children to sort out with their friends because I don't want lie for them all the time when they keep on come to our house. They understood with no complication.

Ask you question:

Would you say if your friend give gift to you what you really hate?

Would you say if your teenage daughter don't want to go out when her friends come to see her (which your teenage daughter knows that her friend force her to go out?). I beleive you do it for her because you protect her and then talk to her that you don't want to cover for her again in the future?

Are you 110% prefect? :dizzy:

naivety is no excuse.

Far too many people here are incapable of seeing the pragmatic worth of lying.

Telling the truth can have dire consequences, and may not be the best choice in every situation.

For instance, a couple living in Nazi Germany decide to harbor Jewish fugitives. The gestapo comes a'knocking on the door, asking for Jewish fugitives.

If the couple were Kantians, they would give up the Jews, for the sake of moral righteousness. But that would mean they were monsters since they knew the Jews were to be shipped off to extermination camps.

Hence, it's better to lie in certain situations. As a result we should never make a practical rule of behavior (telling the truth) universal and necessary. :roll:
The Heretic said:
Far too many people here are incapable of seeing the pragmatic worth of lying.

Telling the truth can have dire consequences, and may not be the best choice in every situation.

For instance, a couple living in Nazi Germany decide to harbor Jewish fugitives. The gestapo comes a'knocking on the door, asking for Jewish fugitives.

If the couple were Kantians, they would give up the Jews, for the sake of moral righteousness. But that would mean they were monsters since they knew the Jews were to be shipped off to extermination camps.

Hence, it's better to lie in certain situations. As a result we should never make a practical rule of behavior (telling the truth) universal and necessary. :roll:

Good ones here.
White lies and lies are not same thing. IMHO

For instance right now if someone come to me and asked me "How are you?" I knew I feel louse cuz of hayfever and I don't want to make it sound alike "poor me" instead of saying to her I am fine. She does not need to know all of details what I feel right now. I get that all time when I ask those people and knew they tell me white lie. That is okay cuz I do not want to hear all negative details from them other than that they are fine and still alive and well. That is all I need to hear from them.

God does not mind this one.
"Ms/Mrs/Miss Perfect person" on the planet.. IMPOSSIBLE.. haha :rofl: Still out there use methods: Deny, Lying teeth, Inoccent looks, and much more...

I think you still DENY being not saying anything...
I bet you're in lying!
The Heretic said:
Far too many people here are incapable of seeing the pragmatic worth of lying.

Telling the truth can have dire consequences, and may not be the best choice in every situation.

For instance, a couple living in Nazi Germany decide to harbor Jewish fugitives. The gestapo comes a'knocking on the door, asking for Jewish fugitives.

If the couple were Kantians, they would give up the Jews, for the sake of moral righteousness. But that would mean they were monsters since they knew the Jews were to be shipped off to extermination camps.

Hence, it's better to lie in certain situations. As a result we should never make a practical rule of behavior (telling the truth) universal and necessary. :roll:

You have a very good point, I haven't even thought of that one. tsk on me. ;)
jazzy said:
White lies and lies are not same thing. IMHO

For instance right now if someone come to me and asked me "How are you?" I knew I feel louse cuz of hayfever and I don't want to make it sound alike "poor me" instead of saying to her I am fine. She does not need to know all of details what I feel right now. I get that all time when I ask those people and knew they tell me white lie. That is okay cuz I do not want to hear all negative details from them other than that they are fine and still alive and well. That is all I need to hear from them.

God does not mind this one.

Very True!

It doesn´t mean that you are liar when you tell them that you are fine. I do the same sometimes... I like to show them that I´m okay in positive way.

"White lies" what the people made is not bother me really. I´m not touchy about this. All what I do is accept the fact that it´s their good reason for not want anyone to know.

Yeah, The Heretic. Yes, I´m agree to this.
Liebling:-))) said:
Very True!

It doesn´t mean that you are liar when you tell them that you are fine. I do the same sometimes... I like to show them that I´m okay in positive way.

"White lies" what the people made is not bother me really. I´m not touchy about this. All what I do is accept the fact that it´s their good reason for not want anyone to know.
:applause: :applause: ~ Indeed excellent choice!
Liebling:-))) said:
Huh? Of course my hubby know he's wrong. His parents should explain him why he did wrong instead of scream on him in attack way. Their form of discplinie lead him into liar and neglect his trust on his parents.

He knew he was wrong. Why would his parents need to "explain" it again? How did their form of discipline lead him to lie? He did the lie and coverup before they found out and punished him. I don't think he needed any "leading" into lying.

The parents are not suppose to spy hubby's privacy thing to find porn mags.
If he was under age 18 and living at home they certainly had the right AND the obligation to check on him. Parents should look for porn, drugs, weapons, and stolen goods in their kids' rooms. If the parents don't do that, then we see their kids on the TV news later after they were caught in a series of robberies or school shooting. Then the parents are interviewed and say, "I didn't know he had stolen property in his room" or "I didn't know he had guns in his room."

It's not first time, they confronted my hubby - something like that they found new sweater in his cupboard and scream on him where it come from. My hubby was like and told them that the sweater, he got the gift from his Aunt. What his parents did is hurt my hubby's trust.
Maybe his parents were suspicious of him because of his past lies and cover ups. He gave them reason to distrust him.

They show no respect his privacy. I would not spy my children's privacy thing in their rooms but respect their privacy...
That is the same thing that the parents of school shooters and drug users say until it is too late.

... the reason I do that because I don't want them know the reason why I can't make up today. ..
Why do they have to know the reason? If you politely said you can't make it, you don't need to explain the reason, and so you don't need to lie. No problem.

Huh? I respect their wish.
How can a parent "respect" a child's wish to lie?

It doesn't mean that they continue to ask me to lie for them all the time. They do that very rarely.
I find it bizarre that your children ever request you to lie for them, especially if you have taught them that lying is wrong.

... I protect my children if they don't want to see them.
I am glad that you do protect your children but I just don't understand why you use lies to do it. You say that you are a straightforward person. Why can't you just tell the children that they can't play with your children?

Would you say if your friend give gift to you what you really hate?
"Thank you very much for thinking of me."

Would you say if your teenage daughter don't want to go out when her friends come to see her (which your teenage daughter knows that her friend force her to go out?).
I would let her speak to her friends herself. That is how she can develope her own social skills. Her friends can't "force" her to go out. If they try to physically force her, I would stop them.

I beleive you do it for her because you protect her and then talk to her that you don't want to cover for her again in the future?
If we didn't have the mother-daughter chat about lying before she became a teenager, then that would be too late.

Are you 110% prefect?
Of course not. But I don't try to justify my sins. I call them sins and confess them. I don't try to make excuses for them.
Of course not. But I don't try to justify my sins. I call them sins and confess them. I don't try to make excuses for them.
No difference.. still counts part of lying too.. lying is sins too.. :D you said, I don't try to make excuses for them.. *sound alike you was habits "an excuses" ?

Conspircy (sp)
Bullym0m said:
No difference.. still counts part of lying too.. lying is sins too.. :D you said, I don't try to make excuses for them.. *sound alike you was habits "an excuses" ?

Conspircy (sp)
Sorry, I was not clear.

Yes, lying is a sin.

No, I am not in the habit of making excuses. That was my point. It is NOT OK to make excuses for lying.

There is no conspiracy. I make my own statements by myself.
Reba said:
He knew he was wrong. Why would his parents need to "explain" it again? How did their form of discipline lead him to lie? He did the lie and coverup before they found out and punished him. I don't think he needed any "leading" into lying.

Again? :confused:

Where have I mention "again"? :dunno: I thought you know that alot of teenage children "experimented" anything with their mates out of curiously.

Well my hubby never being volience/criminal or trouble with police in his life as what you mean. He grew up in a VERY strict parents. They were not allow anything what they like and have little freedom.

I´m disagree to your point over form of discipline. My hubby told me that he wish to have a parent that he can talk anything openly and comfortable with since he look at his mates´s parents. Yes, I´m agree that it´s his parent´s behavior who caused him to lie, hide anything etc. He don´t tell his parents anything what he doing in his life, it´s not just because he don´t feel comfortable to talk with them but feel distant from them. They dont have an emotional relationship. That´s why my hubby never want our children end like this but want them feel comfortable and talk anything to us openly without fear.

If he was under age 18 and living at home they certainly had the right AND the obligation to check on him. Parents should look for porn, drugs, weapons, and stolen goods in their kids' rooms. If the parents don't do that, then we see their kids on the TV news later after they were caught in a series of robberies or school shooting. Then the parents are interviewed and say, "I didn't know he had stolen property in his room" or "I didn't know he had guns in his room."
That is the same thing that the parents of school shooters and drug users say until it is too late.

As what you describe sound that the kids were being neglect by their parents... Why they got weapons, drugs, stealing from? Perhaps they (parents) didnt talk to their kids about drugs, sex, criminals etc. etc.? Perhaps they don´t bother to control their children´s odd behavior?

Yes, I limt my children´s life and control their behavior everyday.

Yes, my children knows that I clean their rooms and put clean clothes in drawers and cupboards, desk etc because I told them. If I saw something then I would not jump and accuss too quickly or scream on my children. I would not scream on my 16 years old children if I saw porn mags :roll: but respect their privacy. I see nothing wrong that 16 years old read porn mags. :roll:

If you want your child to grow up to be a good human, then sit and have a good talk to them and become close with them. If they feel comfortable with you, they will ask for your advice.

The parents need to give their kids some trust. What´s parent for? They are supposing to be PARENT, not spies.

The children will feel being violated & very angry if you spy their privacy thing to satisfy your curiously. It´s parents who choose to push their children´s trust away and make them hide more and more.

My opinion that the parents should confidence themselves, then their children will do right thing. Relax, and have some trust in children because they should deserve their parent´s trust.

It´ll be okay if you raised them correctly to lead them into good path.

Maybe his parents were suspicious of him because of his past lies and cover ups. He gave them reason to distrust him.


It´s parent´s behavior/form of discipline lead him to lie and hide more and more. He don´t have to tell his parents anything if he don´t want to. He depend his trust more on his aunt than his parents. No Wonder! His parents should be GLAD that my hubby never have drugs, volience, criminal & trouble with police etc in his life. They didn´t say one word how proud they are of his son. :roll:

Why do they have to know the reason? If you politely said you can't make it, you don't need to explain the reason, and so you don't need to lie. No problem.

Oh, I thought it´s sort of "excuse" I made. okay.

How can a parent "respect" a child's wish to lie?

No, it´s nothing do with lie but feeling. All what I do is show my respect on my child´s feeling. I explained him why I don´t like to make it for him (see my previous post).

I find it bizarre that your children ever request you to lie for them, especially if you have taught them that lying is wrong.

It´s nothing do with lie but respect my children´s feeling as they would respect us in return. That´s why we have no problem for show respect each other. They show their trust on us and feel close to us. They understood when I explained them why I don´t want to do that in the future if they continue me to do for them. I told them to sort with them themselves. They will alway come to me if they has the problem. They show NO fear to talk ANYTHING with us. My children do that very rarely.

I am glad that you do protect your children but I just don't understand why you use lies to do it. You say that you are a straightforward person. Why can't you just tell the children that they can't play with your children?

Again, it´s nothing do with lie but respect. Yes, I´m straightforward and open mind. I´m very good listener when they want talk me with their problems. I advise them in positive way what they should do or not. If my children don´t want it then respect it and protect them, then explain them afterward why it´s not right.

I would let her speak to her friends herself. That is how she can develope her own social skills.

Of course that´s why I taught my children for that.
Liebling:-))) said:
Again? :confused:

Where have I mention "again"? :dunno:
Do you mean at age 13 your hubby didn't know that smoking, and hiding the evidence in his pocket were wrong, and that was the first time in his life that his parents said don't smoke? If he didn't know it was wrong, why did he try to hide it?

Well my hubby never being volience/criminal or trouble with police in his life as what you mean.
I didn't mean that he was a criminal or violent.

I´m disagree to your point over form of discipline. My hubby told me that he wish to have a parent that he can talk anything openly and comfortable with since he look at his mates´s parents.
I agree that parents should not yell and scream at their children. Parents should speak calmly and rationaly with their children.

Yes, I´m agree that it´s his parent´s behavior who caused him to lie, hide anything etc. He don´t tell his parents anything what he doing in his life, it´s not just because he don´t feel comfortable to talk with them but feel distant from them. They dont have an emotional relationship.
That still did not excuse him from smoking, lying, and looking at porn.

That´s why my hubby never want our children end like this but want them feel comfortable and talk anything to us openly without fear.
Good. That is a positive action.

As what you describe sound that the kids were being neglect by their parents...
That is describing parents not checking the kids' rooms.

. ..Perhaps they (parents) didnt talk to their kids about drugs, sex, criminals etc. etc.? Perhaps they don´t bother to control their children´s odd behavior?
Perhaps they talked to their kids and the kids decided to follow their mates instead of their parents. Perhaps the parents trusted the kids and didn't check their rooms.

Can we say "Columbine"?

... I would not scream on my 16 years old children if I saw porn mags :roll: but respect their privacy.
I am not saying that you have to "scream" at your kids. You can confront them in a calm way.

I see nothing wrong that 16 years old read porn mags. :roll:
Hmmm...I guess if there are "reasons" for lying, then there are "reasons" for reading porno. If it is wrong to feed garbage to children's bodies, why is it OK to feed garbage to children's spirits and minds?

If you want your child to grow up to be a good human...
A good human who lies and reads porno without guilt...

The children will feel being violated & very angry if you spy their privacy thing to satisfy your curiously.
I didn't say to "spy" on them to satisfy curiousity. I think you should be honest and straightforward and let them know that it is your house, and that you will check for contraband. That is not spying because you give them that warning. That is not sneaky.

It´s parents who choose to push their children´s trust away and make them hide more and more.
If the kids are so trustworthy and honest, what are they "hiding"?

... Relax, and have some trust in children because they should deserve their parent´s trust.
Kids earn that trust by behaving in a trustworthy way; they don't hide things and they don't lie.

... He don´t have to tell his parents anything if he don´t want to.
Amazing! I know that children have that attitude but I never before heard of an adult saying that. Do you have that same philosophy for your own children?

No, it´s nothing do with lie but feeling. All what I do is show my respect on my child´s feeling. I explained him why I don´t like to make it for him.
Sigh...I just don't understand how teaching a child to lie by a parent's example is showing "respect". It seems more like teaching them rebellion and deception.

They show NO fear to talk ANYTHING with us.
I can see why. Apparently anything goes, so there is nothing to fear.
Reba said:
Sorry, I was not clear.

Yes, lying is a sin.

No, I am not in the habit of making excuses. That was my point. It is NOT OK to make excuses for lying.

There is no conspiracy. I make my own statements by myself.

You know, Heretic made a valid point with circumstances making it vital to lie. Ex. Would you tell the German soldiers truth that you are hiding Jewish folk from them? Would that qualify as a sin to lie to the German soldiers?
The Heretic said:
Far too many people here are incapable of seeing the pragmatic worth of lying.

Telling the truth can have dire consequences, and may not be the best choice in every situation.

For instance, a couple living in Nazi Germany decide to harbor Jewish fugitives. The gestapo comes a'knocking on the door, asking for Jewish fugitives.

If the couple were Kantians, they would give up the Jews, for the sake of moral righteousness. But that would mean they were monsters since they knew the Jews were to be shipped off to extermination camps.

Hence, it's better to lie in certain situations. As a result we should never make a practical rule of behavior (telling the truth) universal and necessary. :roll:

:gpost: You made a good point there, well said! :thumb:
sometimes lie no big deal, others big deal to me, like relationship he lied me many times it hurt me badly and lost trust/believe in him every words/ASL, no big deal like my daughter lied me younger sister dropped glasses and broken i knew she did just defected herself but i wouldnt spank or yell at her i dont know why she lied me i talked to her i just saw younger sister didnt, I no idea how come older sister capable of lying :aw:
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