Diet soda

everyone has its own different taste buds, the diet flavor is the worst flavor I ever tasted, even I couldn't swallow it.

I understand how you feel. While it isn't that horrible to me, it certainly is very strong and I don't like it. Yep, there is an odd aftertaste with it too. I avoid diet sodas altogether. In fact, I have stopped drinking sodas and drink more water with some sweet tea mixed in from time to time. :D
I don't like diet soda. Its hurt my tummy. I don't like sugar free stuff eeeyuck!
Well sometime I do drink diet gingar ale or sprints
I understand how you feel. While it isn't that horrible to me, it certainly is very strong and I don't like it. Yep, there is an odd aftertaste with it too. I avoid diet sodas altogether. In fact, I have stopped drinking sodas and drink more water with some sweet tea mixed in from time to time. :D

Water mixed with a little sweet tea sounds delicious.

Ever since a friend of mine got me hooked on it, I've been drinking flavored bottled water instead of soda. I love it. I used to drink several cans of Coke Classic a day, but ever since I stopped doing that, I feel so *much* better.

As for diet soda, I'd rather have the real thing -- or nothing at all. I don't like the strong aftertaste of diet sodas. Blech! :(
Any Diet Soda dont give any benefit for me. Won't affect my weight.

Best Diet Soda is Diet Coke (much better than Spenda favor).

Worst Diet Soda is Diet Dr. Pepper (I rather regular Dr. Pepper, odd?)
I'm trying to give up diet soda. The carbonated water and caffeine is bad for my reflux. I don't drink the regular kind due to the fact I've diabetes. I also don't want to get osteoporosis as a result of drinking diet Coke. I'm trying to switch to coffee. I know it has caffeine but at least I can add milk to it.

The one soda that I loathe is Dr. Pepper. I hate it so much that even when I'm going thru caffeine withdrawal, I'll pour the stuff down the sink.
I used to drink diet soda years when I was in HS. Now I hate the taste. It makes me so ugh!!
Well, for these who don't like the taste of diet soda should try Coca-Cola Zero - a diet soda that tastes much like Coca-Cola Classic.
I have nothing against diet soda. I change flavors from time to time. :)
Diet soda? I aint like it cause of blank taste on my tongue lol .. I like yummy taste on my tongue lol yah I am :crazy: lol I dont like taste so blank lol :lol:
I drink diet soda cuz have no choice, cant have regular sodas. When I drink regular soda, oh my god they tastes bad too, too much sugar in them. Oh well.
I drink diet soda cuz have no choice, cant have regular sodas. When I drink regular soda, oh my god they tastes bad too, too much sugar in them. Oh well.

same here. I used to drink regular coke and switched to diet in high school. When I try regular coke, it tastes too sweet for me. I am trying to drink more water than soda now but I love the carbonated taste of soda. I cant give it up!!! WAAAA!:tears:
My medical school professor told us that the stories about fake sugar is totally untrue, as Vampyro pointed out already to us.

Not totally untrue.

Not to discredit your professor, but s/he obviously don't know what s/he is talking about or haven't met people who suffered from it.

It's still a well-kept secret to this day that aspartamese is harmful especially when it's consumed on a daily basis. In fact, I cannot consume any amount of aspartame. If I do, I'll get abdominal pain and it is PAINFUL. There are many people out there on an annual basis who develop the same reaction to aspartame. Artificial sweeteners, like oil is of great value to the economy.

It started around a few years ago, I didn't use to consume aspartame on a daily basis till I started drinking Crystal Light. At first, nothing happened but after a few months of drinking a couple glasses a day. I started to experience abdominal pain and cramps... it didn't stop there, it got worse because I didn't know what was causing it. I started looking into what was causing these reactions, I looked up all of the food and drink products that I consume. I looked all over the Internet for information on abdominal pain caused by food and drink products. I came across some websites claiming that people had the same allergic reaction to a certain product that I drink often.

The claims seemed to be far-fetched but I gave it a shot and drank a glass of Crystal Light. Within an half hour later... it started. I didn't stop there, I went on to try different products that contained the ingredient like chewing gum, flavoured water, etc. I reacted to all of them in the same way except for the chewing gum. It was a different reaction, I had a lot of facial tics over the few days after chewing the gum stick.

Obviously, I am allergic to aspartame. But I wasn't at first, and now I cannot consume anything containing aspartame.

I know I am not the only one, there are thousands on a yearly basis who develop an allergy to it. You won't find it easy to find the information online, but it's there and I posted an image of a hard copy from 1995. This is to show you that the FDA is fully aware of this issue and yet is doing nothing.

People are being duped into thinking it's perfectly safe to consume it. Despite the number of medical professors and Snopes saying it's not true, it can be harmful to many.


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Not totally untrue.

Not to discredit your professor, but s/he obviously don't know what s/he is talking about or haven't met people who suffered from it.

It's still a well-kept secret to this day that aspartamese is harmful especially when it's consumed on a daily basis. In fact, I cannot consume any amount of aspartame. If I do, I'll get abdominal pain and it is PAINFUL. There are many people out there on an annual basis who develop the same reaction to aspartame. Artificial sweeteners, like oil is of great value to the economy.

It started around a few years ago, I didn't use to consume aspartame on a daily basis till I started drinking Crystal Light. At first, nothing happened but after a few months of drinking a couple glasses a day. I started to experience abdominal pain and cramps... it didn't stop there, it got worse because I didn't know what was causing it. I started looking into what was causing these reactions, I looked up all of the food and drink products that I consume. I looked all over the Internet for information on abdominal pain caused by food and drink products. I came across some websites claiming that people had the same allergic reaction to a certain product that I drink often.

The claims seemed to be far-fetched but I gave it a shot and drank a glass of Crystal Light. Within an half hour later... it started. I didn't stop there, I went on to try different products that contained the ingredient like chewing gum, flavoured water, etc. I reacted to all of them in the same way except for the chewing gum. It was a different reaction, I had a lot of facial tics over the few days after chewing the gum stick.

Obviously, I am allergic to aspartame. But I wasn't at first, and now I cannot consume anything containing aspartame.

I know I am not the only one, there are thousands on a yearly basis who develop an allergy to it. You won't find it easy to find the information online, but it's there and I posted an image of a hard copy from 1995. This is to show you that the FDA is fully aware of this issue and yet is doing nothing.

People are being duped into thinking it's perfectly safe to consume it. Despite the number of medical professors and Snopes saying it's not true, it can be harmful to many.

I've had similar experiences with avocados. I've consumed a lot of aspartame in the past but I've never had a reaction to it. Guess I'm just lucky. :whistle: