Did my introductory post disappear?


New Member
Aug 26, 2009
Reaction score
I wrote a rather lengthy introductory post (in the introduce yourself forum). I seem to recall something about a message popping up that said my post would appear after being reviewed by a mod.

How long is that process supposed to take? I'm hoping my post is still out there somewhere, as retyping is going to take a while!

try again.

and post a pix of yourself too.
try again.

and post a pix of yourself too.

I'll retype it, then!

And I'll put up an avatar pic, but it won't be of me! (I'm paranoid about real-life people finding me online).

Thanks for the prompt answer to my question!
Hi..hope your post resturns. :welcome: to AD !
I submitted a new introductory post! Hopefully this one won't get lost in mod-approval land. ::crosses fingers::